Gwenevere Dawnneth Kye


Name: Gwenevere Dawnneth Kye

Place of Birth: Newfoundland, Canada

Date of Birth: January 1st, 1709

Age: 294

Appears: 23

Status: Vampire

Creator: Forgotten

Character background: Gwenevere Kye was born January 1st 1709, to Hannah Kye, and Daniel O’Neil. Her mother, Hannah, was part Japanese, but her father was a true Canadian born and raised in Newfoundland. As she grew up strange disappearances and attacks occurred and her parents feared for her life just as a parent would.

Gwen’s fifth birthday approached she was to be home schooled by a highly recommended teacher in the city. Her family was wealthier than most and was of noble descent some way or another. But the little girl was always frightened, saying shadows and monsters lurked in the bushes. Her parents thought it was foolishness as any parent would. The years passed and she became more and more beautiful as she grew. An excellent student and fond of her teacher she continued to be home schooled.

But one day shortly after her 17th birthday her parents were murdered. She was out at a ball with her best friend Milese and came home to see the corpses of her parents’ bodies lying in the dining room. Her father stabbed, and her mother had two peculiar bite marks upon her neck. She ran from her house to the officials and told them what happened. A great shock followed her and she was forced to handle her own life and look after herself. She let things settle a bit and packed a small bag and ran away from her home to a relative’s house where she lived for a few years.

In the year 1728, Gwen had had a small paying job at a local tavern and had been putting some money away to get her own place in a small house she could rent an apartment. And sure enough that same year Gwen had moved into her own place. But one night after closing up the tavern she made her way back to her house and was approached by a young handsome gentleman who said he was lost. Gwen offered to help him find his way, being such a polite young lady as she was. She led him to the residence he said he was staying at and he asked that they become acquainted. She agreed it would be nice to befriend a handsome young man such as himself, so that is when it all began.

They became acquainted quite well I should say, it even eventually led to romance. She grew to admirer this man very much and spent her free time with him. Although it was only at night she met with him. But nothing was ever suspicious because she only got off in the evenings. Soon he earned her trust and at a slight disadvantage he used it and betrayed her. One evening she came home with him and spent the night as their relationship had grown. She slept with him. And then he bit into her flesh and drained her of her blood. This man had not intention on killing her, he was to sire her. And in her weakened state she drank the potent liquid from his wrist. It seemed an eternity that Gwen had slept when she had awoken. Her blood seemed not to pulse in her veins and her breath no more. She had no idea what was happening. Gwenevere slowly crept from her bed to see her lover in a chair waiting. She questioned him and he told her without hesitation. She was a Vampire. She couldn’t take it! This was to much to handle. Her lover tried to teach her the ways to live but at the first nightfall she took off with only the money she had earned.

The next few nights Gwenevere began to lose her Human memories, she began to forget what things tasted like, and what the sun felt like. By the time a few weeks past she couldn’t remember anything. This was odd, because almost all Vampires after being turned had all memories intact. She began to then wander the streets aimlessly only being sustained off of animal blood. She became weak, and frail. To see a vampire in this way was dishonorable. But soon her Sire was caught and branded with the Irish Gaelic word for Vampire: Súmaire and he soon lead them to her as she was then branded with the hot steel on the inside of her left forearm.

She wandered the streets for so very long and slept in alley ways. She covered her arms with cloth so her branding would be hidden. For two centuries she watched people and learned the changes throughout the years. Then things turned for the worst. She was captured by a fellow vampire with the name of Finnegan. He chained her hands to a wall and tortured her then he would starve her. She became bruised and broken so he released her not having anymore interest in his capture. But then the police saw her wandering the streets and mumbling things to her self. They just put her into a psychiatric facility and locked her up. She was then starved again and thankfully her room had no windows. But then when a fed reopened her case he looked to the branding on her arm and realized what she was. He questioned her and then knowing she wasn’t a threat he discharged her from the facility back into the open. By then she had aged a few years from the malnourishment, and the lack of feeding.

As the decades came and went Gwen was forced to change her style and learn of the new things each year and blend in, but everything had changed since the 1700’s. She wouldn’t ever feed off of humans unless she sensed their death near. She was sustained only by the blood of animals. There was no chance in hell she would ever sire someone and make them live like her. I guess that is why after the first decades of her new life she found out about the Night Stalkers. She was reckless and weak and couldn’t take this torment anymore. By all means she was a lame excuse for a creature of the night. Skinny and fragile it was like she hadn’t had a meal for months. One night she found a Night Stalker and approached him. That was her biggest mistake, or maybe the best thing that had ever happened to her. He found her but she was only a child. He had scared her into an alley way and noticed that she had no intentions of hurting her. So he anonymously tipped off an agency that specialized in the unreal, the night creatures.

By the time they had actually found her she was at the age or 194, she wasn’t as weak as she had been before, she had stated to feed off of humans. Humans that were willing victims, humans who came to her for their death, or didn’t have much life left in them. But they did find her, and they took her in, made her one of them. They taught her how to fight, trained her, and basically used her to their advantage. She was what they liked to call their ‘weapon’. But this was a better life then the one she was living before. As the mortals lived and passed she trained with many people, and for the next 95 years she was their hunter. Then the year of her 289th birthday she met a man that worked for that agency. His name was Marcus Reilly, and he was different. Gwenevere had connected with him, and they became friends. Through the agency in London they were partners, a real team. But one job changed everything. It was the last time she had talked to him for 3 long years. That night they heard about a big bust, something that had the whole city freaking. But Marcus and Gwen were the only one qualified to do the job. That night, the night they busted the warehouse 9 civilians were killed, 2 of which were children barely 7 years old. A massive amount of vamps were killed, and Marcus was pinned in a corner, three vamps surrounding him. Gwen freaked, she could take it, while Marcus was getting cornered she was trying to protect the two children and their mother, but she couldn’t do anything. She tried, but she seen the vamps kill both children, both brutally. Then they sucked the mother dry. She killed them when she was finished with the vamps that were on her. Gwenevere sunk to the ground she couldn’t bring herself to move, she needed to help Marcus. He was in trouble, but she just couldn’t move, the image was burned into her head. So Marcus had to defend himself, nearly got killed. He was on the floor trying to take out the last vamp when Gwen finally got the courage to get off of the ground. She ran to the door of the warehouse, she was going to leave, but just as she was about to run out she turned around and threw a thrower at the vamp who was about to sink his teeth into Marcus. The head was cut clean off of the vampire, and Gwenevere bolted.

For the next three years Gwenevere lost all contact with Marcus. But somehow she knew one of his men was following her back in Canada. She seemed to get out of a lot of trouble with this man tagging along on all of her ambushes. Gwen didn’t mind as long as he didn’t get in her way, and he could get her out of the trouble with the cops. But recently she has moved back to London, and regained contact with Marcus. Now they are supposedly working on something big…

Personality Profile: Gwen is a very unsociable person, and doesn’t pay attention to crowds much. She can even be a mellow individual, at times and has been known to keep to herself. She is a loyal, compassionate, and humorous person. Although she hasn’t a lot of friends the one or two she has are all she needs. Willing to put her life on the line to save any innocent being, is a trait not many people have, especially a vampire. An outcast from society, Gwen has sworn herself to secrecy and tell no living or non-living person about who she truly is. When faced with fear she has leant to embrace it and do her best. As bitter as her words may get to an outsider she means no harm.

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