Iris Ortiz


Name: Iris Ortiz

Place and Date of Birth: June 24; Houston, Texas

Age: 27

Status: Werepanther

Creator: Ex-Lover Carlos Domingez

Character background: Iris was orphaned when her parents were killed in an auto accident that involved a 15-car pile up in Houston, Texas. She went to live with her Grandmother Maria Ortiz in Manaus, Brazil at the age of 6. Her grandmother was a voodoo Priestess for the local area. Iris loved her grandmother from the moment they meet. Iris called her Nana.

Nana saw that Iris had the ability with in her blood to become a great priestess of Voodoo. So she began teaching her and Iris did well, very well. On her Sixteenth birthday she was out with some friends when she meets Carlos Domingez, he was eighteen. Nana did not like him much but that did not stop Iris from seeing him. They dated for four years, and then Iris broke it off as he was getting mean and violent. He hated her Nana and on that night Iris told him it was over he became very violent. He left after he beat her, leaving her for dead in her dorm room at the university that she was at to major in Business Management.

Iris was terrified at what he had done; she had played at being unconscious. When he was sure she was dead, he left and shortly after, so did she, heading for home to talk to her Nana. She was on the road home when she hit something. She stopped and got out to look, but it was not there. As she grabbed for the door handle of her car there was a load thud as the largest Panther she had ever seen landed on the roof of her car and stared at her. Iris stood still for a moment then began to move hoping that the cat would leave. But it did not; it jumped and landed on her. Clawing and biting Iris as she tried to fight it of. She screamed the name of Oya the female warrior for help. It was granted and the Panther was slain with a flash of lightning. As Iris crawled from the panther she spoke thanks to Oya. But she was close to bleeding to death and she knew it. She looked back to the panther to discover it was Carlos. Iris fainted from the shock of what she saw and the lack of blood.

Iris awoke in the hospital with several doctors around her. She had been in a coma for two days. She was healed and they were taking blood at the time she awoke. Nana knew what she was and that she would have to leave Brazil soon. Iris left the hospital before they made her a test subject with the help of her Nana. Nana had went deep into the amazon and found a pard of werepanthers. There Iris lived and learned what she could do. She also rose in the ranks of the pard to third in command. She finished college three years after the attack with bachelors in Business. She used her new skills to help make money for the pard that lived in a small town and sold its hand made goods in Manaus.

Iris saved up enough money to go to Paris for a vacation by the time she was 26. She had always wanted to visit Paris when she studied French in school. She left with a happy hear but when she was to return she called her Nana. When she could not get a hold of her or anyone in the two she called a friend only to learn Nana had been killed with the pard. The knowledge that the small town was a home for a pard of werecreatures was the reason they had been killed. Nana had been there visiting with some friends and was killed for associating with them. Fearing that she would be hunted also, she left Paris and traveled around Europe for two months before she decided to go to England and see if she could get a job there.

Personality Profile: Iris is friendly once she gets to know and trust you. She will do everything in her power to protect her friends from harm. She misses her family and the pard, it shows when she speaks of them.

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