Isabella St. James


Name: Isabella St. James

Place and Date of Birth: La Rochell France, Early 14th century

Age: 600+

Appears: 23

Status: Vampire

Creator: Miea Lamorsa; Witchcraft

Character background: Isabella St.James was the eldest out of ten children born to Vincent and Tieana St.James in the small town of La Rochell France. Isabella's family was very poor and could barely find enough food to keep all ten children and two grown adults alive. At the age of 16 she went off on her own knowing that she more burden to her family then anything else. She was lucky in the fact that she had one god given talent that could pay her way trough France and then some, she had the voice of an angel.

It didn't take her to long to find steady work at all once she reached Paris, the first place she sang for grabbed her up and soon she was singing for the finest people around. Unknown to Isabella however, was that not everybody was so adoring as she thought. She failed to think of the fact that there could have been someone just as talented that held the spotlight before her.

Miea Lamorsa had been the highest praised singer in all of France for many years and in her eyes that fame would never end, that is up until Isabella made her entrance. Almost overnight the tides turned, Miea was no longer considered the best or the most beautiful. Instead of hearing her name on others lips she was forced to stand back and listen to a new name, Isabella.

If she had known just how far Miea would go for revenge Isabella would have never taken her first steps onto the stage. Miea was more then just a mere singer, she was also an extremely powerful witch and she did not take well to others stealing the spotlight from her in the least. She could have simply killed Isabella and left it alone, but no that would have been showing mercy, something Miea had none of.

No she wanted to cause Isabella as much suffering as she could and maker sure that she could never return to the thing she held closest to her heart. Drugging up as much black magic as she could muster and praying to every god of darkness she could think of Miea spent the good part of a month focusing her energy to make Isabella truly sorry. It worked only to well, late one night after one of her performances Isabella was struck with such a blinding pain that she was brought to her knees. If felt as though red hot flames were licking their way through out her body she would have scrammed out in pain but even that was impossible as she had no air to draw into her lungs.

Eventually the pain turned into a numbness and she slowly sank into darkness unable to claw her way out again. She did not see the grinning form of Miea sulking in the shadows near by nor did she stir when she was dragged into the forest and buried deep with in the earth. When Isabella Finlay awakened it was to a face full of dirt, screaming and clawing her way to the surface it took her a while to realize that something was different.

Her Vinson was sharper and she could see hundreds of yards in any direction she turned, looking down at her muddy hands she saw that her fingernails had sharpened and grown so that they looked almost claw like. Dazed and confused she stumbled up to her feet not knowing what had happened, thats when the real pain started.

If she had thought the pain from before was bad she was sadly mistaken, deep in her gut she felt a burning ache the likes of which she would not wish on anything. Stumbling around looking half crazed she was struck with yet another pain, this time it came from her mouth as her canines sharpened and grew longer. If she could have pushed down the pain long enough she would have stooped and tried to think about what she was doing but only one thing flashed continually through her head.

She had to feed and she had to feed now, the fact that she really shouldn't be thinking about feeding didn't cross her mind. It wasn't until she had slaughtered three people that what she had become Finlay sunk into her foggy mind. Covered in blood and dirt Isabella fled from France that very night on a departing trade ship and has never set foot in France again, to this day she still has no idea what the cause behind her turning was.

Personality: Lillyona is a very quite person for the most part and she rarely speaks with anyone and never gives out her real name. Usually calm and cool she spends most of her time writing and composing songs, she no longer sings in public though. Her temper is quite long and it would take something fairly big to anger her overly much, but when she does lose her temper she does so completely and is not safe to be around.

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