Jennifer Lynn Ross


Name: Jennifer Lynn Ross

Place and Date of Birth: 1978, Hangman's Tree, Montana

Age: 29

Appears: 29

Status: Vampire

Creator: Unknown

Character background: Jennifer used her talent and brains to free herself from small town Montana. Unlike her brother, Shannon, she hated everything about the ranch life they had grown up in and her only goal in college was to gain enough skills in her chosen profession to escape that life.

By 22, Jennifer was already a professional photographer with a growing portfolio and beginning to make a name for herself in that field.

By the time she was 26 she had earned enough of a professional reputation that her work took her not only all over the states, but into Europe as well. By 28 she was working almost exlusively in Europe, photographing not only celebrities but most of the high fashion events as well.

Her relationship with her younger brother was always a close one and she kept in close touch with him in spite of the distance that separted them. Then she disappeared.

After no phone calls and no letters or emails from her for a month, the family contacted her last known employer, a fashion agency in London. The agency reported that she had simply not shown up for a shoot one morning and they had had no luck in contacting her since then. The agency had even gone so far as to check her apartment only to find no sign of her, but with all her clothes and photographic equipment still there. Efforts by the police to find her were hampered by the fact that she had been living in London at the time of her disappearance, in spite of efforts on both ends to coordinate a search for her. After three months, the case was declared open but inactive. The frantic family hired a private detective with no better results. Now, Jennifer has been missing for nearly a year.