

Name: Krysta

Place and Date of Birth: Somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Age: Unknown (presumed to be several thousand years)

Status: Were-cat

Character background: Krysta is a special form of were-cat. Normally, when a person is bitten by a were-cat, they also become victims of the curse, but if the planets are aligned just right, the curse is inverted and becomes a blessing. She has the ability to assume the form of any type of feline while retaining her intelligence. She is rumored to be several thousand years old. She has advanced regenerative powers. These enable to heal extremely fast and keep her young. She is a mercenary, assassin, thief and spy. She is picky about the jobs she chooses. She will not hunt friends. Her price is always high, but not always money. Her specialty is hunting supernatural targets. She is also notorious for her parties. They are always very wild.

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