

Name: Odium

Age: Ageless

Status: Werewolf born from Witch Craft

Character background: Odium was created by a witch who was in danger of being burned by her village. As she was too old to protect herself properly from this fate she called forth a demon spirit from beyond and fused it with a wolf she had caught in the forest. In bringing these two beings together she created Odium; a powerful and very loyal protector. In order to protect his identity she gave him the ability to shift forms...but limited him to only three forms. Human, Werewolf, and a huge black wolf.

As was her intention, Odium stayed with the old witch until she drew her last breath. However, once her spirit energy had left the earthly plane he was left with nothing to do. Not knowing the world around him (as he was always with the old woman) he decided to explore it...to find out what it was like out there. He wandered the countryside for years causing trouble wherever he went until he wandered into the wrong village. A wizard that lived there decided that Odium had caused enough trouble so he sealed Odium in a tree for nearly 3000 years.

No one is truly sure how it happened but somehow a young woman who was simply wandering through he woods one day released him from his prison. As it had been with the one who had created him he was bound by his nature to the one who had freed him. She was young and foolish believing that he was a human who had human feelings and human emotions. As such, she fell in love with him. However, without the capacity for human emotion he did not return her feelings. Spurned by what she thought was her one true love she released him from his vow and sent him away.

Once again he wandered the world in search of a purpose and just generally causing trouble. During this time he came upon a male Vampire. For several years Odium traveled with this Vampire, spending his time learning of the world and how things were to be done in society. Odium stayed with him until he was called to serve on The Council. However, they were not to be parted for long. Not very long after being called to The Council the Vampire called upon Odium for a completely different reason. It seemed that the Vampire had sired a child in the traditional manner, and as such needed someone to protect her from those who would see her dead. Odium, tired of wandering aimlessly throughout the world agreed.

For the next 20 years Odium lived in Egypt disguised as a palace guard, never straying far from his charge. When one of the other palace guards took an interest in his charge his first thought was to dissuade him. However, he knew that the girl needed to realize who she was and above all WHAT she was...so he simply stood back and watched. When the guard tried to take what she denied him her true form was revealed and the man's life forfeit.

In order to keep her safe Odium spirited the girl away from Egypt. Once far enough away he revealed to her exactly who, what she was and how she had come to be. However, per his commitment to her father he could not tell her of her lineage. Feeling that the name they had given her at birth did not fit her he renamed her...calling her Coronet.

He stayed with her for nearly 1500 years, until he realized that he was falling in love with her. Being the creature that he was he could not truly manifest his love to her as he did not know how. Despite his appearance he was still a demon underneath and as such his emotions and feelings were so different from that of humans OR vampires that his love manifested itself in the form of his hunger for her flesh. The more time he spent with her the stronger his hunger for her flesh became. In a desperate effort to quell this hunger he devoured Coronet's only remaining child.

However, that ploy did not work either. All it did was feed his hunger for Coronet. There was no way to get past it and only one way to sate it. For fear that he would not be able to control his hunger any longer he simply left. As of now his whereabouts are unknown. Personality: Odium is cynical, calculating, cunning, ruthless, stoic, and above all LOYAL. He does not trust anyone nor does he open himself to any kind of emotional display.

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