Sean Sullivan


Name: Sean Sullivan

Place and Date of Birth: June 23, 1970'S Virgin Isles

Age: 35

Status: Mortal

Character background: Sean Sullivan grew up in power, influence, wealth. The son of a socialite and a high powered attorney, poised to be the next big thing in his father's company, he had everything. He was spoiled, pampered, wanted for nothing. Then he fell in love and his life was forever changed and the world in which he knew was gone.

He wandered and traveled. Taking odd jobs, hooking up with a wild pack that taunt him how to rob and steal. At twenty-one after narrowly missing some serious prison time, he found that he needed some direction, some structure, some discipline so he joined the United States Marine Corp.

For ten years he served his country, doing a stint in the Middle East and Korea. While there proving himself worthy to be a member of the elite. When his tour ended he found that although he didn't want for structure or discipline, he still had no direction. Again he found himself wandered. This time he landed in Japan. While there he learned about the eastern culture of the Far East. When his mind was centered and his focus clear, he returned to New York and became a cop.

Personality: Sean is extreme observant. He watches everything that goes on around him, learning, studying and is ridiculously patience. He a good listener and gives great advice.

He is extremely loyal. And although he hates the things he sees on his job, he stays for two reasons. One, he believes he is making a difference and two, he loves his partner more than he thought his heart capable of loving another soul in a long time.

Sean is a fierce fighter although you would never tell it by his disposition, which appears to be easy going and laid back. However he has seen some things in his life that have taught him the harsh side of life and he is no fool. He has a strong spirit and even bigger heart. He can be cocky and quite arrogant, as well as, stubborn and incredibly determined when he sets his sights upon something. But when provoked he can be out-spoken.

He is very street smart and of quite intelligent. He reads a lot and can retain much of what he reads. He is also very cunning.

He is incredible patience. He is skilled in hand to hand combat and on marksmen on most weapons.