Shannon Michael Ross


Name: Shannon Michael Ross

Place and Date of Birth: 1982, Hangman's Tree, Montana

Age: 22

Appears: 22

Status: Vampire

Creator: Asar

Character Background: Shannon is Jennifer's younger brother. He loves the ranch and the life his family has lived for several generations. Shannon has just graduated from the University of Montana in Missoula with a double major in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science. His life plan? Marry Allie Wilson, have two or three children and take over the running of the major operation of the ranch from his father who is ready to retire.

Shannon has always been very close to his sister, bordering on hero worship. It was Jennifer who taught him the intricacies of riding, Jennifer who was always there when her little brother needed her. When she became so successful in her photography, he was her biggest fan. The two keep in close contact even though her career kept her traveling and his college and ranch work were an exhausting combination.

Until one day the phone quit ringing and the mail stopped coming.

When contact was lost with his sister while she was working in London, Shannon was still in college. At first he had complete confidence that she would get back in contact with them and have a reasonable explanation for her absence. Probably a photo shoot on some remote Carribean island and she had simply forgotten to let them know beforehand.

When the weeks turned into a month her now concerned parents contacted the police. The investigation was hampered by the fact that she had disappeared in London and, though the English police were cooperative, it was a logistical nightmare. After three months the case was considered all but unsolvable. The police tried to reassure her family that they would continue to keep the case open but offered little hope that she would be found, even going so far as to say that there was the possibility that she had disappeared voluntarily.

A private investigator was then hire with much the same results and Jennifer remained missing. At almost the one year anniversary of her disappearance, word was relayed to the family that she might have been sighted in London. The contact listed was a New York detective now in London named Renata Langston. At this first tangible hope that Jennifer is still alive, Shannon leaves the ranch and gets a ticket to London, determined to find his sister.

He traced her tracks and came into contact with The Collector . In his domain, he was turned by Asar and made a vampire, like Jennifer.

Personality: Very outgoing, intelligent (achieved a double major in three years), personable, genuinely likes people. A hard worker. Trusting and honest. He's a little stubborn when he thinks he's right, tenacious about solving a problem. He's had to be to still be searching for his sister after a year. He's willing to work night and day, whether it's on the ranch at foaling and calving season, or studying. Sometimes too hard. Trusting and honest. Unfortunately can also be fairly gullible.