
Place and Date of Birth: Paris, France Sometime around the 1400's

Age: 600

Appears: 30

Status: Witch/Necromancer

Creator: Luna the Goddess of the Moon

Character background: (in continuation of Dominic's profile) Verona was tried and convicted of being a witch, a crime punishable by death. The night before her execution, she made a sacrifice in the name of Luna the Goddess of the Moon. Verona begged for her life and swore she would do anything, give anything to have immortality. In exchange for this gift Verona gave her soul to Luna, forever to be in her service. Verona was burned at the stake and buried. Luna, as promised, raised her from the dead 10 days later, in perfect form. Not only did Verona look exactly as she did as she had walked the earth, she was also risen complete with her soul. In gaining Luna's trust and favor she was honored with many gifts making her more powerful than she had ever been in life. She was given the power of necromancy, the ablity to raise the dead. She can also call any animal she choses and control them as their master. After fulfilling many of Luna's requests, she was free to do as her heart desired, which was to find the lover that scorned her and sent her to the stake...Dominic.

Verona, with the help of her minions, found Dominic in London just as he had reunited with William. In waiting for her plan to play out, Rhiannon entered the picture, becoming in Verona's eyes, merely bait. Verona holds great animosity toward Dominic and his children, and plans to use them to make Dominic pay for his betrayal.

Personality Profile: Gives the air of an aristocratic lady, very proper. Rarely loses her temper. Sadistic and enjoys (through Luna) torturing and slowly killing her victims.

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