

Name: Viper, real name unknown.

Place and Date of Birth: England, 1499

Age: 503 years

Appears: 25

Status: Vampire

Creator: Coronet

Character background: Viper was born to a poor family in England in 1499 and spent the first part of her mortal life trying to survive. When she was about 15 she ran away from home to find her fortune and her way in the world. She ended up in a port town and (dressed as a boy) got a job as a cabin boy on a Pirate Ship. During one of the ship's raids the captain was injured and Viper took over and started shouting orders. Amazingly the crew followed her orders and managed to not only salvage their own ship but also to gain their goal of raiding the other ship.

When it was discovered that she was a woman it only seemed to help her. Soon she had a ship and a crew of her own and was terrorizing the shipping lanes between England and the rest of the world.

She ran into Coronet a short time after she had become a pirate. Coronet, then traveling with Odium, was intrigued by the string headed woman and decided to bring her across. A decision that she later regretted. Coronet left Viper on her own a few years after turning her deciding that the woman was too power hungry. She had considered killing her, but could not take the life of one of her children.

In the Mid-1800s Viper was killed by Rhiannon, a vampire slayer, who was, at the time, working with Dominic. She was resurrected by Verona in 2002, and once more killed, but this time by Odium.

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