William BlackHawk


Place and Date of Birth: North America, 1700s

Age: 269

Appears: 22

Status: Vampire

Creator: Dominic

Character background: William, then known as Black Hawk, lived with his tribe of the Onieda in what is now known as New York City when a small ship from Europe arrived. One gentleman in particular was different from the others. His face was paler near colorless and his eyes almost clear. He also remained aboard their ship till after sun set. His presence was commanding yet something seemed unnatural about this man.

This particular man was offered Black Hawk's sister by the tribal chief as a bride and peace offering. An uneasy feeling made Black Hawk aware of this man's unearthliness.

The night before the wedding ceremony was to take place, Black Hawk called on the souls of his departed ancestors for guidance and in a gust of wind he received an answer. He returned to camp to confront this man believing him to be a Wendigo (a flesh eating man of native American legend). The man then told him his name, Dominic, and the truth, that he had been cursed by a dark witch who fancied him, all because he did not love her back. Now Dominic was doomed to walk the earth for all eternity feasting on the blood of others. His weakness relieved, Dominic pleaded with Black Hawk to end his life by removing his head and his heart. The witch had told him this could be his only undoing. Black Hawk, aware that Dominic was just trapped by this evil cruse, took pity. He vowed to the man that if Dominic left his sister, Little Feather, be, he would aid him in this 'death'. All the pale man asked was for one last day of life. That night Black Hawk stayed awake to keep an eye on this fair skinned stranger.

However, before the sun rose the following day, he saw Dominic leave his tent headed towards Little Feather's. When Black Hawk stopped the vampire, his eyes were a red color and his want for blood out of control. In a moments decision to save Little Feather's life, Black Hawk offered himself in place of the sister. The stranger took his chance and feed on the young man, however, realizing the tribe would find him half dead come morning, he took one step to assure Black Hawk would not die by feeding him his own blood.

Black Hawk awoke the next evening with an unexplainable hunger, appearing pale and sick. The shaman of the tribe stood over him calling the wind to carry the evil spirits from his body. The wedding was postponed to see to it the bride's brother was well. Being the soon to be newest member of the family, the stranger took Black Hawk aboard the ship and promised to tend to him day and night. Once alone, this man taught Black Hawk all he knew of what the Native American had now become, one of the undead. Before the following run rise, the stranger set sail for his home land taking the young Black Hawk with him unannounced to the tribe.

From that day forward, Black Hawk changed. He learned and adapted to eastern customs and appeared a well breed gentleman always obedient to his creator who renamed him 'William'. Dominic could never accept this fate, refusing to live as a vampire, and locked himself away in his castle like home. William hunted for his father and remained his faithful friend, taking him his kills, but Dominic refused and slowly began to age.

Come the turn on the millennium, William had adopted to the eastern world so well he went unnoticed. His accent was now English but his youthful appearance remained of Native blood. He never speaks a word of his creator, Dominic, nor tells his fate to a soul but now William travels alone and goes unnoticed.... most of the time. He does not believe in family or kindred souls amoung the Vampires.

Personality Profile: Mild mannered and trust worthy. He can act out when angered, but for the most part he still has much compassion for mortals and does all in his power to aid them. He is different from other vampires in this respect. He does hunt humans, but only picking off the sick, dying, or those he sees as worthy of dead. He carries with him guilt and wonder for the family he left behind, never to see again over 200 years ago.

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