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Clancy Brown as The Phantom of the Opera
"Clancy Brown as The Phantom of the Opera"
Valerie's work of Mr. Brown as
The Phantom of the Opera.

Clancy Brown as Jean Valjean in Les Miserables
"Les Miserables"
Ginger's work of Clancy Brown as
Jean Valjean in Les Miserables.

Clancy Brown as Sam Spade
"Clancy Brown as Sam Spade"
Ginger's work of Mr. Brown as
Sam Spade from The Maltese Falcon.

Clancy Wallpaper
"Clancy Brown Wallpaper"
Wallpaper designed by Valerie of Clancy Brown, as a character from another time.

Clancy Wallpaper
"Clancy Brown Wallpaper"
Wallpaper designed by Valerie of Clancy Brown, as a story book king.