The Uber-Impossible Ober Quiz
Competition by
16 questions. No wrong answers.
The Rules: Answer the following 16 Questions and email them to Make sure
to include your guild in your entry.
Each competitor enter only once. Points are awarded for originality, potential correctness, and/or how much you make me laugh.
As follows:
First Place: 40 points
Second Place: 20 points
Third Place: 15 points
For entering: 5 points
The Questions
1. What is Swallow's real name? 2. Who was Dragon's father? 3. Name two similarities between Brydda Llewellyn, the penguin out of Billy Madison, and Gary Oldman? 4. On average, how many standard drinks before Gevan's under the table? How does this change when the table is in Sutrium? 5. What is Elspeth's middle name and how is it relevant to her quest? 6. The Herders are famous for three things. Make a short poem (4 lines max) highlighting these things. 7. How many rooms are in the Obernewtyn main house (including the Healer Hall)? How many bathrooms? 8. What kind of fish do the Sadorian catch in their annual harvest? 9. Name the 4th tallest mountain in the Land. 10. What is Maruman's star sign? Atthis'? Dameon's? 11. Which boy band was Domick a member of before defecting to the Council? 12. What is Ariel's favourite food? 13. Explain why Rushton was in the barn? 14. How will Matthew get out of the Land of the Red Queen? 15. Do you think Daffyd would do well to get a haircut? 16. Who is the Destroyer? |