Meet The Characters

Allana Jacobs: Allana has been labeled the token freak of the group, Devil's Angels, although they're all wild, with no inhibitions. She's the daring, outrageous, spontaneous, sometimes senseless member that will do anything to have fun, regardless of the consequences. Laws mean nothing to her, she really could care less about them. She's just recently turned eighteen, and is the only "legal" member in their group. She's got a solo project starting up, called My Alter-Ego, Princess.

Jen Nelson: Jen's the one with the most sense, although she is quite a partier. She pays attention to detail, so she's in charge of their schedule and she makes sure everyone is where they need to be, on time. She generally comes across as snobby, but she's really just quiet until you get to know her or get her to a party. Jen's been labeled the "boring" one.

Liz Johnson: Liz is the shallow prep, according to the world. She's unbelievably smart, but doesn't show it off. She's the mama of the group, holding them together when times get tough, and always there for you when you need her.

Kylie Reynolds: Kylie is your typical girl who loves parties and guys, and therefore is labeled a slut. Her sense of style doesn't help that image, but she simply ignores the rest of the world and does her own thing, as she always has. She's sick of being told what, when, where, and how to do any- and everything, and she's about to let the world know it.

AJ McLean: AJ first meets Allana at a racy, risque photo shoot and convinces the other guys to turn their upcoming tour into a joint tour with Devil's Angels. He's thrilled when they finally give in. AJ is also the token freak and also has a solo project kicking off, Johnny No-Name.

Brian Littrell: Brian's your typically basketball-playing, macaroni-loving all-American guy, who's in for a big surprise when Devil's Angels begin to tour with them.

Kevin Richardson: Kev's your typical disapproving, stern, serious guy who learns a valuable lesson about living and loving from Devil's Angels.

Nick Carter: Nick's your typical blonde guy who finally discovers exactly what unrequited love is. *Ed. Note - Sucks to be him, huh?*

Howie Dorough: Howie's your typical sweet-heart who tries to fix everyone's problems and keep everyone happy.

So - will AJ be sorry he invited the girls onto the tour with them? Will the other four hate AJ for life for the little stunts he pulls? Will Nick get his way like he always does? Will the girls be a smashing hit with the teenies, or will they...Not?