Chapter 1: Gotta Get Away

Lucky sighed and stared out the limo's tinted window as her drunken father droned on and on about her new "career", as he called it. Lucky closed her eyes to keep the tears from spilling out, and took a few deep breaths.

Lucky sang. Lucky danced. Lucky had a number one single. Lucky had a number one record, as of today.Lucky was now officially a pop superstar. Lucky felt like crying.

Lucky's cell phone rang and Lucky pulled it out of it's cow print carrying case. "Lucky." She said dully.

"Hi, my Little Pop Princess," Her ex-boyfriend Jack's voice, and even the thought of him, was smothering her. He had only started calling her again when he heard about her record contract.

"What do you want, Jack?" Lucky asked, puffing her breath out, mentally going through her calender.

"Jus' callin' my baby, seein' what's up," Jack's voice, that used to seem so smooth to her, now grated on her nerves.

"I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now," Lucky said coldly. "And I'm not your baby." Lucky hung up.

"What are you doing?" Her mother shrieked.

Lucky, who had lowered her head and was staring at the floor of the limo, reared back and stared at her mother.

"That's bad publicity! What were you thinking?" Her mother was freaking out. "You're going to ruin the image we've worked so hard to create for you!"

"Mom!" Lucky screamed. "It was just Jack!"

"Oh," Her mother calmed down. "Jack?" She began freaking out again. "But he's such a good boy! So nice, so honest, so clean-cut..."

As her mother continued on about Jack, Lucky rolled her eyes. She knew how Jack really was and that was all that mattered.

"Call him right back, Lucky."

"Do what?" Lucky shrieked, jumping nearly straight up.

"Call him, Lucky. This instant," Lucky's mother said. "Apologize and set a date with him up."

Lucky grudgingly obeyed, and set a date with Jack, her jaw set angrily.

"There. Isn't that better?" Lucky's mother grinned.

"No, it isn't," Lucky snapped as the car pulled to a stop in front of her hotel. Her bodyguard stepped out of the vehicle, then reached in like a perfect gentleman and helped her out of the car.

"Thank you, Jon," Lucky smiled up at him.

Jon was always a perfect gentleman, and soft as a teddy bear. Sure, his legs were the size of Lucky's head, and his arms were the size of his own head, but that didn't mean anything to Lucky. Jon was her confidant and friend.

"Sure thing, Sweetie," Jon grinned.

As Jon led her through the extravagant hotel lobby, he went over the next day with her. "Well, you start with an interview for YM, then a photoshoot for Teen People, then TRL, and then MTV Music Awards or whatever they're called."

"I don't have a dress!" Lucky squealed.

"Well, I'll take you shopping tonight, Princess, ok?" Jon grinned at her and, seeing the slump of her shoulders and the unnatural dullness in her eyes, he pulled her in for a giant bear hug.

Lucky disappeared inside Jon's giant, but gentle, arms and began laughing uncontrollably. Jon's hugs always cracked her up, because he was so big next to her. She could just barely get her hands to clasp around his waist. Lucky was extremely small.

"Feelin' better, Little Princess?" Jon asked, releasing her.

Lucky nodded. "Ride?"

"Ok," Jon picked her up and plopped her onto his shoulders. Lucky squealed and laughed like a three year old on Christmas as Jon bounced her around.

"Lucky!" Her mother's shrill voice brought Lucky and Jon both back to earth.

"Yeah?" Jon whirled and Lucky nearly fell off, but wrapped her hands around his chin, causing Lucky to giggle a bit.

"You're ruining your professional image, Lucky," Her mother told her for the umpteenth time that day.

"I'm sorry," Lucky said, while inwardly thinking, Do I give a crap? Nope.

"It'll never happen again?"

"I can't make promises," Jon said. "Unless I intend to keep them." Jon turned and walked away with Lucky still on his shoulders.

"Lucky, babe," Jon said when he had dropped her on her bed in her room. "Get dressed up, I'm taking you out tonight, ok? And we'll get you a gorgeous dress that'll knock 'em all of their feet and onto their bums."

Lucky smiled and grabbed her favorite outfit, a pair of tight, black, shiny clubbing pants, a cow print belt, a black skin-tight spaghetti-strapped tanktop, and a cow-print cowboy hat.

"Workin' it?" Lucky asked Jon, holding it up.

"Yeah, Princess, I am," Jon grinned. Lucky was a little sister to him, it absolutely killed him knowing she was hurting or sad.

"Good...Where we goin'?" Lucky asked as she started the shower. She kept the door cracked so she could talk to Jon.

"Uhm...I was thinking Olive Garden...Not too many teenies there," Jon laughed. "Lots of stars are in town, the teenies are all out at hotels."

"I wonder who we'll see at the Olive Garden," Lucky mused as she poured some of her expensive trademark shampoo, Victoria's Secret Secret Garden in Strawberries and Champagne. Her shampoo, conditioner, lotion, hair spray, and body spray were all of that scent.

Her mother hated that scent because of the fact that it smelled like champagne and Lucky wasn't twenty-one yet. Lucky didn't care as she blow-dried her hair and fixed her make-up, preparing for a night that would forever change her life.

© 2001 Princess Fan Fics