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Happy Karen New Year to all Karen people around the world!!!

Today, the 8th Jan 2000, we the Karens of WA commemorate the most auspicious and the last new year of the century in Perth ,WA, with many supporters and sympathizers. This remarkable commemoration comes into action through the unfailing support and endeavor of the whole Karen community of WA regardless of religion. The actual day falls on the 1st day of Thalay, the first month of Karen calendar, on which all the Karen communities in Burma and overseas celebrate to signify its meaning of unity and prosperity.

We, the Karen community of WA, absolutely understand how our Karen people are suffering the atrocities and discrimination especially in the eastern region of Burma.

We, the Karen community of WA, know the existence of huge Refugee Camps along the border of Thailand and Burma that hold not less than 100,000 of people from Burma as the undeniable proof of the political instability of Burma.

We, the Karen community of WA, are fully aware that the State Peace and Development Committee (SPDC), the illegitimate government of Burma, is systematically oppressing and eliminating the elected National League for Democracy party.

We, the Karen community of WA, strongly oppose the treatment of the SPDC against the Ethnic Nationalities of Burma instead of peaceful dialogue and negotiation.

We, the Karen community of WA, urge the United Nations the international governments, communities non governmental organizations, ASEAN and also our Australian government to intervene in the current Burma affairs for the sake of the people of Burma.

We, the Karen community of WA, encourage the Karen National Union, the Karen Solidarity Organization, the Democratic Karen Buddhist Organization, the Overseas Karen Organization, The Australian Karen Organization, the Karen Youth Organization, the Karen National League
and any other Karen organizations to unite and work together for the benefit of the international Karen community.

We, the Karen community of WA, earnestly plead all the dedicated as well as the educated Karens to offer their strength, knowledge and wisdom and be the little grains of sand to build a better and safer Karen society.

We, the Karen community of WA, acknowledge and highly appreciate the untiring and selfless sacrifice of Dr. Naw Cynthia Maung, the winner of the first Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights of 1999 and Saw Ka Hsaw Wah, the winner of the International Environmental Award on Human Right of 1999.

We, the Karen community of WA, want to see the Karens all over the world to be united and form a stronger nation in The near future.

Released by the Karen New Year Celebration Committee of 2739, WA.

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