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**Hot Boy Page 24**


Brian I don't know his last name, but he is on Road Rules Latin America. I think he is really nice looking. He seems like a understanding person that you can talk to when you have a problem and he will really listen to you. I think he is great because he doesn't seem like a person to jump to conclusions. He handled the whole Abe thing great. He is 23 and doesn't know if he wants to be a skate boarder or a punk rock type of person. He has a great smile and laugh.

**Fredro Starr**

Fredro is a hot dawg that is part of the rap group "Onyx". His real name is, Fred Scruggs, but I heard now he is going by the name, Never. He is the cousin to "Onyx" member Sticky Fingers. Fredro starred in the t.v. show "Moesha" and has been in about 6 movie. I love the movie" Sunset Park". Where did they get the name Shorty Dehop?

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