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**2pac Quotes**

~~~There is not a person dat words touched mah soul then 2Pac, so here are some of hiz quotes~~~

**"Ta me, a perfect album talks 'bout tha hard stuff and fun and caring stuff"**

**"Everthin in life is not all beautiful, not all fun. There's lots of killing and drugs."**

**"In real life, just like in Macbeth, all women are just not pure and true. Just because I write some songs 'bout bad women though doesn't mean I hate women. I've written songs dat show great love and respect for women too"**

**"I would rather die a man, than live a coward"**

**"Every time I speak, I want tha truth ta come out. Every time I speak I want dem ta shiver, I don't want dem ta be like they know what I goin say cuz it'z polite"**

**"What tha rap audience ain't ready for is a real person. You know what I want ta say: a real nigga. I'm comin out 100 percent real."**

**"I wonder why we take from our women while we rape our women. I think it'z time we kill for our women, time we heal our women, be ral ta our women"**

**"My big mouth! I can't help it, I talk from mah heart, I'm real. You know what I am sayin?"**

**"I dont want ta be forgotten. If I'm forgetten then dat means I'm comfortable and dat means I think everythin is ok."**

**"Everybody changes, everybody becomes better people. We all should get dat chance. I just want mah chance."**

**"Different thangs at different times, Mah own heart sometimes. There's two niggas inside me. One wants ta live in peace and tha other won't die unless he's free."**

**"I will settle wit a very, very strong woman. One who's more in love wit me because I could be more in love wit her than she is"**

**"I believe dat everythin you do bad comes back ta ya. So everythin dat I do dats bad, I'm goin suffer for it. But in mah heart, I believe dat what I am doin is right. So I feel like I'm goin ta heaven"**

Tha Main Page ta Everythin
Beginning of mah 2pac Page
'Bout Tha Outlawz
2pac Poems
2pac Pictures