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**My Thoughts**

~*~This may offend some, so you may not want to read this. Stuff on dis page is my thoughts on certain issues. So take this as a warning that this is some strong shit~*~


~I don't like people making fun of anyone, unless they have been disrespected by them first. I don't care if you don't like someone cuz they be white, black, gay, fat, ugly, or whatever. Have some class and respect people. I respect everyone that respects me, so if you respect me ,than I got nuttin but respect for you. I just think it's so corny that people make fun of people cuz they are different. When really they can't help it that they were born with that color of skin or if they like the same sex. I mean who is anyone to judge. God is to only judge and if you judge then you better worry what the true judge gots to say 'bout that. The world has problems that we need to accomplish to fix and I think prejudice wouldn't exist anymore if we all realized that no one is better then anyone. Before you go and hate on someone you better look at yourself in the mirror and look to see what you got wrong with yourself. Cuz it's like this everyone has some flaws. So if you are clownin people out for some apparent reason, probably the biggest flaw you got is you ain't nuttin but an ignorant bitch that ain't got no self-esteem.~

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