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Michael is my now 25 year old son. Michael was born September 29, 1977 at 5:29 P.M. Michael was 5 pounds and 14 ozs and 19 inches long

Michael is a car kid I suppose. He has a love of cars. I had a little trouble deciding on which background to give him for his page. It was a toss between girls or cars (lol) So I decided to go with the Mustang as he has a 1965 Red Mustang that I drove when I was 16 and now I am 45 so that is a old car! But it is SUPER shape! It is a 4 speed Pony Pack. My father gave it to him for his 18th birthday. UPDATE Michael is now 27, married for the second time and I guess the car lost out and the ladies won.:) This picture of Michael below was taken at my momma's house in 1977. With Michael is me (his momma) and my Grandmother.(My grandmother has sinced passed away)
Below is Michael at age 3 with my father. Next is Michael at age 18 with me *his momma* Michael at 23 with again *his momma* Next is *My Momma wtih Johnnie on her lap, Michael my son and My Father.