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Man's Hope

Oh this pity creature man deep in fear he wallows
Though always speaking of escape he cares not where he follows
the never ending life he leads that he dare call a life
he thinks that his high ways that he needs not to strife
they plan of war and kill and thought and do oh so many sin
they burn the bridge they travel, no thoughts of other men
Oh, this pity creatue man be. Thinks him one and only
He never tries to reach or touch so in his fate he's lonely
Oh glory saddened are the hearts of the living angels
For deep inside man's heart of hearts there is a candle glazing
Just waiting for the fuel of love to set it's flame a blazing
And then the cloud will lift and man with open ears will listen
To the whispering wind loving all he hears.
His eyes will glisten in the sun,
his mind is understanding,
And in his heart he will reach the start to
Never reach relanding
Then man upon his final road all filled with inspiration
His hand within his sister's hand will have reached
His destation.

Author: Carolyn Hambleton - Do not copy--All rights reserved