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I'm Not Gone

One day a little boy came into my life
his beautiful eyes signaled pain and strife
his little heart seemed to reach out and cry
and then he looked to God and quickly asked why.

God answered "Go forth" and he took my hand.
"You must ready him for the Promised Land".
Little did I know how utterly fast
his precious life would soon be past.

I lived with him day by sacred day
and watched him mature through innocent play
but he stayed in control, as if he could already see
what was waiting up ahead, and he began to prepare me

He told me "I'm sick and I may die.
God has chosen me, and I know why,
You see, cancer has my body, but that just opened the door,
Cause when I go to Heaven
I wont have to hurt anymore"

He said "God takes little children, 'cause who would
want to go, to a joyful place like Heaven
if only grown-ups go
Every place needs Gods children.
He has chosen quite a few.
After all he told me
"God needs little angels too"

"Before long I'll be gone....
but I'm not afraid and please dont be sad
You'll come see me someday"