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In response to several inquires from families around the world our family will provide some thoughts and comments on how we celebrate Christmas in Perth, Western Australia.

We often refer to Christmas as Xmas and for us it is in the summer period. On some Christmas days it can be 40 degrees celsius (104 Fahrenheit) and in other years 28 degrees celsius.(82.4 Fahrenheit).

Schools have closed down for the long summer break of about 6 weeks. Businesses close for Christmas Day and the following day called Boxing Day.

Christmas is usually a family time and the extended families get together for lunch, in the middle of the day, or dinner, in the evening. Some families go for both , for example the Mother's family at lunch and the Father's family at dinner. It can be an exhausting time!!

Christmas is a great time for children who prepare for it for a long time. They write to Father Christmas or Santa Claus with their "wish list " of presents they want. Many of the larger department stores have a person dressed up as Santa and the children (kids as they are called in Australia) sit on his knee and give their "wish list " in person. It is a fun season with plenty of good will. All the stores play carols through their public address systems and commercialism is rife.

Santa visits each house on Christmas Eve, traditionally climbs down the chimney and deposits the presents under the Christmas tree. It is becoming more and more difficult for Santa as less and less houses have chimneys (mainly because of the heat we have here)

Many Australians like to sing Carols at Christmas, although they never sing at other times. Churches are full at this time although many feel the Christ has gone and the greed is in. Many Australians who live near the coast go to the beach on Christmas Day. We have a swim , play beach games like cricket or volleyball or just sit around with family and friends enjoying Christmas fare.

Many Australians still have traditional hot Christmas meals despite the heat. This usually includes turkey and ham and all the trimmings. Others enjoy fish, lobster and prawns. We enjoy Christmas pudding with a tasty brandy sauce. Some people put money(coins) in the pudding and there is always great excitement if you score some of these. Other Christmas fare includes shortbread, mince pies, Christmas cakes and ,of course, sweets and chocolate. We have Christmas crackers or bon-bons at each person's place at the table and we share these before we start eating. They always include a hat of some description , a trinket and a corny joke!

We have Christmas trees either real or artificial in our living rooms and other decorations around the house. Major streets in the city are also decorated for all to see and enjoy. Each city and major town has a carols by candlelight ceremony. Due to suitable weather these are held outdoors and are very well attended. Because Australia is very multicultural many families celebrate Christmas according to their heritage so there is a great variety of celebrations.

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