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When we're not together ...
My thoughts drift alongside
Memories of you;
Things we've done,
The way you smile so brightly.
That helps me forget my worries
And celebrate our wonders.

When we're not together ...
My moods come into play more often,
And make me yearn for the strength
I feel in you ...
The security I find in your eyes.

When we're not together ...
I sometimes feel so very alone,
For myself and you ...
Imagining you being without
My loving feelings
As I am without yours.

When we're not together ...
My best wishes still go with you always,
Wishing to share in your excitements.
Wanting to comfort your hurts.
Needing to be reassured that
You're keeping warm and well.

When we're not together ... I seem to
Spend my time
Wishing that we were.