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FanFic and Stories

E-mail me if you have any more stories. I shut down "More Than Friends" Because Angelfire keeps on goofing it up.
G= No swearing, perfect for young readers. PG= Not sqeuaky clean, but not inapropriet PG-13= A little bit of swearing, and/or easier for 13+ to understand. R= For 15+. Swearing, and/or sexual scenes. **= swearing and/or sexual content. *= a little swearing and/or sexual content.

  • Shocking News
  • Written By: Angelica
  • Rated: Probably R or PG-13
  • About: Nick
  • Chapters Posted: 5 (discontinued)
  • Summary: Renay and her best friend Jessica are really big BSB fans. When Renay's boyfiend, Kyle was supposed to pick them up from a concert one day, and didn't show up, they decide to take a bus home, but the nearest bus stop is 20 miles away. On their way they met the BSB and Jessica found out something really intresting about Nick Carter she never knew before and everybody found out what happened to Kyle.