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Q: What is your favorite song? Kevin: Right now I’d say that new song Alliyah has out Kevin: It’s on the Doctor Loolittle soundtrack, the video’s hot! Q: Is there a message that BSB would like to get across to people through their music? Kevin: Not really. We’re not trying to make a statement with our music Kevin: We’re just trying to make good music that makes people want to sing along, forget their problems for a minute.. moves them, makes them want to dance. Kevin: With our ballads.. I like ballads, I think ballads are good, I’m kind of a romantic, so I like ballads. and with ballads we're justt rying to put people in a romantic mood Q: I heard you modeled for versace, is that true? Kevin: Yeah Kevin: The 5 of us were invited to fashion week in Milan by Donatella Versace, b/c when we were in monte ëcar for the fashion awards, she hooked us up with outfits for the awds. Kevin: and we sent her a thank you for it, so we went to milan and at the first show we watched anthen at dinner that night, some of her business assoc asked me if I’d model in the next show Yahoo!Chat: did you like what you wore? Kevin: and I said sureÖ. I like the shirt I had on, but the pants were a little too tight for my taste Kevin: It was cool. I got to hang out with Naomi, Whitney and Donatella. Some of our people were laughing, Puffy’s rappin about wearing Versace and we’re at his house! We had dinner at Gianni’s. I might be doing some stuff for them in the future Q: who do you think is the hottest woman in history? Kevin: Hottest woman in historyÖ wowÖ Kevin: I like to watch old movies sometimes and when I look back, I don’t think she was the hottest women in history, but she’s one of the most wonderful actresses in historyóKatharine Hepbum Kevin: I think Nicole Kidman is really sexy. I think Liv Tyler is a really naturally beautiful girl Kevin: and just from interviews and things she seems like a beautiful person in the inside as well Kevin: even as she plays her characters as well, she seems like she has a really good heart and is a pleasant person as well Q: What are you wearing now, boxers or breifs? Kevin: Boxers Q: is it true that u guys r going to be doing a movie? If so, what is it going to be about? J Kevin: Not’s not true that we’re doing a movie. We’re not doing a movie Kevin: We’ve had several offers, but we’re just focusing on our music right now. Kevin: And we’re not breaking up either.. it’s been going all around the world that we’re breaking upÖ Rumors, rumors, rumors Yahoo!Chat: what is your favorite rumor you’ve heard about yourself? Kevin: One of my favorite was one that said I had a 2 million dollar movie deal, I’m still waiting on the paper work on that thing Kevin: It was almost kind of disappointing when it didn’t happen ;) Kevin: Let’s see.. I was told we died in a plane crash Kevin: There’s been so manyÖ Brian was gonna dieÖ Brian’s my cousin and he was in heart surgery and we were all on the edge, even tho technology is incredible now, we were very scaredÖ so stuff like that. Q: kevin what is your fav. flavor of ice cream? Kevin: Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Burst, I think.. I love Peanut Butter Q: If you were abducted by aliens, and they held a gun to your head that would erase all of your memories but one, which would you keep? Kevin: Wow.. that’s a good question! Kevin: That’s hard. Kevin: Since my father is no longer here, I would not want any memories of him erased at all Kevin: I’d want to keep all my memories of him Q: WHAT DID U THINK BOUT THE MTV FANATIC? Kevin: Actually, I finally got to see that, cause people told me it had been on Kevin: I thought it turned out pretty good Kevin: I think it’s a great idea in general. I think it’s a cool idea. Kevin: The time that we were on there, I thought it was really cool. I thought it was funny that girl’s sister was like, "why do you like these guys? I can sing better than they can". Kevin: but she met us, she was all shy and stuff.. and I didn’t know she dissed us until I saw the show and we sang acappella for her and blew her away Kevin: I think it’s a cool idea.. and the girl who was on for us inspired us a lot Kevin: We heard about Alex who went to see us up in Concord and missed us. We all say hello and we’re sorry that you missed most of the show, but glad you got to see the end.. and we may be in touch so that you can see us again Q: Where was your first kiss Kevin: My first kissÖ I start kissing at a young age.. I was like 4 years old, I had a next door neighbor Kevin: a girl we used to hang out a little bit, and she and her friend used to hang kisses on me Kevin: My first real kiss was in fifth grade, when we were at the roller rink, and they Kevin: played a slow song, and we went into the back corner and kissed Q: Whats the most memorable or sweetest thing a fans ever done for you? Kevin: There have been lots of incredible stuffÖ Kevin: There was a fan that had a silver ring made for me and it was like 4 yrs ago Kevin: when we 1st started touring europe and it had the musical notes to one of our songs around it like the staff, and the music went to "never break your heart." I’ve worn it and kept it ever since.. There have been letters and poems written about my father Kevin: They’ve made us cookies and brownies to make us fat on the tour bus Kevin: We do keep a pet mouse in a cage in the bus, and if he doesn’t die after eating it, we’ll eat it ;) Q: why did you name yourselves Backstreet Boys? Kevin: Well, it was kind of a collaboration between us and our manager. There’s a place in Orlando called the Back Street Market and we wanted something that flowed goodÖ you’ve got the beastie boys, the oakridge boys, and the pet shop boys Kevin: And boys doesn’t just mean boys, but is a slang for friends and chill Q: What’s the stupiedest argument you have been in with the guys? Kevin: Which one? There’s so many Kevin: Just could be over what we’re gonna wear on a tv show or something.. it could be over a bunk on the bus Kevin: It could be over anything.. It’s like a family or best friends or brothers Kevin: We are like a bunch of brothers.. We’ve been together for over 6 years Q: Why are you guys so hot? Are you born with it or is it Maybeline? Kevin: That’s a nice compliment. I guess we have our mothers and fathers to thank Kevin: Good Genes. It’s in the genes! Kevin: We try to take care of ourselves.. eat right, exercise.. try to anyway Kevin: Some of us do.. AJ is a Mr. McDonald’s man.. trying to keep him away from that stuff Q: Do you feel that your fame has effected you? If so how? Kevin: I think that it’s definitely affected the amount of free time I don’t have anymore Kevin: It’s made me kinda when people talk to me or when people are introduced to me I wonder what their motive is. I’m just kind of cautious. It’s made me cautious of whatever I do Kevin: b/c they put stars and celebrities under a microscope and analyze everything they do. Kevin: If you make a mistake, everyone knows. So you want to be cautious Kevin: I don’t think I’ve changed that much. I feel like the same old me, I don’t feel any different Kevin: Its made me, the fact that we’re successful now, has made me that much more of a perfectionist.. people are looking at us now, so it’s always got to be perfect Kevin: I’m not paranoid or anything! Just kidding.. J Kevin: It’s made me realize that more than anything you really can accomplish things Kevin: if you go out and go for it. Kevin: if there’s anything I can tell anybody out there---It can happen to you Kevin: You can make a living doing something that you love, as long as you work hard Kevin: and you’re decent at it, get good at it.. You have to work hard to get good at it, if you have a talent Q: What is your idea of a dream date? Kevin: Hmm.. Dream DateÖ Good dinner, good conversation, probably an italian dinner, some wine---red wine Kevin: and then after that maybe a movie or dancing or I don’t know, something like that Kevin: Pretty simple, pretty basic Q: out of all of u who do u think will get married first? Kevin: WowÖ. that’s hard Kevin: I don’t know. Kevin: Let’s see, I think Brian or me. Yahoo!Chat: why? Kevin: Cause I’m an old man. Q: DO YOU CRY AT SAD MOVIES? Kevin: I can’t believe I’m 26, don’t know how I got here Kevin: YeahÖÖÖ Kevin: Let’s see, I got choked up on Hope Floats.