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The Secret Revenge Chapter 1
  • Chapter 1
  • "The Secret Revenge"
  • The Beginning
  • October 2nd-The happiest day of my life. I was finally getting married to the guy of my wildest fantasies!
  • I'm marrying Kevin Richardson of the BSB, whom I have been dating for 2 years.
  • But now, finally, I was actually gonna marry him, and spend the rest of my life with him.
  • Hi, my name is Cordellia, and I am 25 years old.
  • I am about 5"11, and I am Nick Carter's sister.
  • I was dating AJ for a little while, but we broke up.
  • Let's just say he hasn't gotten over that yet.
  • But, now, I am marrying the guy I love so much.
  • Today is only September 4, and I have to wait exactly 28 days, 12 hours, and 15 minutes until me and him get married.
  • I'm counting down.
  • Anyway, tomorrow I'm gonna meet up with my girlfriends, Kim, and Georgeanna to go to the shop and find a wedding dress.
  • Kev, is of course, coming with me.
  • I can't wait.
  • Well, we're not gonna have any kids just yet.
  • He has to finish the tours, and then we are gonna settle down a little bit.
  • He'll still be performing, and we are gonna have the kids when they become unpopular, and won't have to travel often.
  • That might take a long time.
  • But, I can wait.
  • Today I am going to go to the beach with Kevvy Kev, and maybe Georgeanna and AJ.
  • Oh that's right! I have to tell you who's with who.
  • Well, you already know that I'm with Kevvy, my friend Georgeanna is with AJ, but like I said before, we broke up, and he's still in love with me.
  • My friend Kim is with Brian, and he told me that he might pop the question too.
  • They've been together for a year or two. They seem to really be in love.
  • Well, you can come along with me to the beach.
  • Be sure to wear a lot of sunscreen. It's been really hot here in FL.
  • Do you have a pair of shades? No? Okay, I have enough to share with you. Here, have these. How do those fit, good? Great!
  • So, we're gonna leave for the beach in a couple of minutes.
  • B-Rok's gonna drive us in his Jeep.
  • "Honk, honk!" "Whoop, speaking of Brian, here he is! Let's go."
  • "So, Brian, how have you been with Kim? Did you pop the BIG question yet?" I asked with a smirk.
  • "No, not yet. I haven't had the time to ask her yet."
  • "Oh, are you gonna though?"
  • "Yea, I'm hoping to."
  • "Huh? What did you ask me? Oh. How are we going to the beach when they're really famous, and people will notice them. Well, we have or own little private part of a beach reserved for us, and it's kinda like, a little dock. No one knows about it but the guys, me, Georgeanna, and Kim. and now you. Hey Brian!"
  • "What?"
  • "I don't believe I've introduced you to my friend here. She's a big fan of you guys, and she's gonna be tagging along with me. She's really nice. Call her, Jody. I dont know, she likes being called that. So, who's meeting us at the beach?"
  • "Um....Kev, Kim, AJ, Georgeanna, and I think Nick and Mandy. Why?"
  • "AJ's going?" "Yeah. Why are you so nervous. He's your friend."
  • "Think Brian, think real hard."
  • "Oh yeah, That's right. You broke up with him. He always talks about getting revenge on Kev, but I don't think it's something to be taken seriously, don't worry."
  • "I don't know, I think I should tell kev about this. What do you think?"
  • "Yeah, maybe. I mean, it is about him, so I think you should."
  • "Okay, I'll tell him as soon as I see him. Like I told you before, AJ isn't really over our breakup, and he's been really upset lately. But, I hope he doesn't do anything."
  • We arrived at the beach. "Hi Kevin!!!" I said and gave him a big hug and kiss.
  • He picked me up and spun me. I screamed. "Oh Kev, you're so weird." He smiled.
  • "Hey Kev, come here a minute." "Yeah, sure. Hi, who are you?"
  • "Her name's Jodi, well, we're calling her that anyway. Kinda a nickname."
  • "Oh, nice to meet you Jodi." You two shook hands.
  • "So, Kev, are we gonna fish down here, or just get burnt to a crisp?" He laughed. "What's her name?" "I don't know."
  • "Um..Kev, I have to tell you something about AJ. It involves my breakup with him, and you and, maybe me......."