The Secret Revenge Chapter 2
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  • Chapter 2
  • "The Secret Revenge"
  • By:BSBCHIC692
  • The Threat
  • "Ok. You can tell me anything, you know that." I looked down.
  • "What's wrong? Well, let me guess. It has to do with AJ, me, and your breakup with him. It must be bad."
  • My head was still down. "Tell me. If it's something bad, I'll take my precautions. Now, sit down, and tell me."
  • We sat down on a big rock that was just sitting there on the beach. "Ok, I'll tell you." I sighed.
  • "Well, Brian was telling me when we were driving in his jeep, that AJ just kept talking about getting revenge on you, because he feels that you're the reason I broke up with him. I'm worried, because when AJ says something, he means it. I don't want you to get hurt. I love you, and well, you know the rest." He smiled.
  • "Yeah, I know it. I love you too, and I'll be careful of what I say, or where I go. That's to protect me, and you." He kissed me on the cheek. I smiled.
  • AJ and Georgeanna arrived in his Mercedes. AJ looked at me and smiled. But, when he saw Kevin, he looked at him with an expression that no one can tell with words. I knew what that meant. AJ, somehow, was going to hurt him, really bad. But, it was my duty, as Kev's fiancé that I protect him. Make sure he didn't get hurt, or scratched, or even bruised.
  • "I'll be right back Kev, okay?"
  • "Yup. I don't mind, as long as you come back to me, I'll be fine." I laughed.
  • "You know that you're the only one that I love!"
  • "Yeah, I guess so." I moved my hand around in his hair, messing it up.
  • "Hey!" he shouted and started fixing it again. We kissed and I went over to talk to AJ.
  • "Hi AJ, whatcha doing?"
  • "Nothing much. What about you?"
  • "Oh nothing. So, AJ, would it be alright if I talk to you?"
  • "Anything you want."
  • "I mean privately."
  • "Oooo. Even better."
  • "Don't get any ideas."
  • "Okay. My head is cleared." We walked over to a corner of the beach. There was another big rock that we could sit on. I looked back at Kev. He was talking to Brian and the rest of the guys, but he kept glancing over at us, making sure nothing happened. I saw him look, and I smiled. He smiled back.
  • "Um… AJ, Brian was telling me that you keep on talking about revenge on Kev, and before you say something, tell me the truth. If you do talk about that, tell me. Okay?"
  • "Yeah, okay," he answered. He paused.
  • "Well?"
  • "Well what?"
  • "You know what I'm talking about."
  • "Yeah, I guess I do." He put his head down and said, "Well, if you must know, I was talking about getting revenge because I know that he's the reason that you left me."
  • "AJ, look at me." He put his head up. "If I was still with you, and I knew Kev, but didn't love him like I do, I'd stay with you. He wasn't the reason I left. It was my own decision. I fell in love with him, and he did the same. I didn't have to leave. I could have kept the love I have for him inside of me, and stayed with you."
  • "Then why didn't you stay?"
  • "Because my heart was telling me that he was my soul mate. My mind was saying stay with you, but my heart said no. It's like Shania Twain's song said, my heart changed my mind. And it's true. My heart did change my mind. I know that it hurt you really bad. And I'm sorry that you took it so seriously. But trust me, when you find the right person, you'll know the minute you see her. That's what happened with Kev. I know that I'm not the right person for you. Sometimes people say that, 'You can have 50 boyfriends or girlfriends, but there is only one soul mate.' Am I right?" He didn't answer.
  • "But if our relationship wasn't working out, why didn't you tell me? We could've fixed the broken pieces and put them back together. I want to know why didn't you tell me from the start that you knew I wasn't the one for you."
  • "Well, AJ, sometimes, you don't know automatically that the person isn't your soul mate. Sometimes it takes a little while to figure out who it really is."
  • "You want to know something Cordy?"
  • "I guess so."
  • "I know for a fact that you are my soul mate. I knew it from the day I saw you. Actually the second. My heart is telling me this. And…"
  • "Hey guys! You coming over here to go fishing?!" Nick yelled.
  • "Yeah! We'll be there in a minute!" I yelled back. "Listen AJ, can we talk about this later?"
  • "Yeah, sure. Anything you want." We walked back over to where everyone was sitting.
  • "Hey you."
  • "Who me?" Kev asked.
  • "Yeah. What's a hot guy like you doing around here on these parts?"
  • "Well, I'm here because my lovely fiancé is here with me."
  • "Oh. And who might that be?"
  • "I don't know. Maybe you!!" We laughed.
  • He hugged me really tight, and if any of you have seen his muscles, you'd know what I'm talking about when I say I could barely breath.
  • "How did it go, talking with AJ?"
  • "Well, not as well as I planned."
  • "What do you mean?"
  • "Well….."
  • Chapter 3
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