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  • Chapter 3 "The Secret Revenge"
  • By:BSBCHIC692
  • An Important Discussion
  • "It went okay, but I don't think he was getting everything I was saying. I think that only the stuff he wanted to hear he absorbed, but everything else simply went in one ear, and out through the other."
  • "It's okay. I'm sure that sooner or later he'll understand."
  • "Yeah, let's hope so." He smiled.
  • "Alright. Enough about this topic. Let's go a-fishin'!!!"
  • "Yeah. I'm gonna catch a big one!!!"
  • "Before I forget to give this to you, I wanted to give you this," Kev said handing me a stuffed bear that was holding a red heart that said 'I Love You' in white letters.
  • It looked like a Polar Bear to me. "Oh Kev! That's so sweet! Thank you so much! And I love you too!" I gave him a big hug and kissed him.
  • Me and Kev headed towards everyone else. I said hi to Georgeana and all the rest of my friends.
  • "HEY! WASSUP YA'LL?!?!?"
  • "NOTHIN' MUCH!!!!" everyone else shouted back. We all laughed.
  • "Alright. Who stole my fishin' rod? Who's going to be caught red-handed?!" Nick yelled. He looked around at everyone. "A-HA! I found the culprit. It was YOU!" he said shouting at Georgeanna.
  • "What? Remember? We have the same fishing rods. DUH!!" She shouted back at Nick.
  • "Oh yeah. But, all is innocent until proven guilty. Sorry."
  • "It's alright." "You're right. I think they do need some professional help." We both laughed.
  • "ARGGGG!!!!!! Where is my fishing rod?!" Nick was screaming. I went over to Nick. I put my hand on his shoulder.
  • "Nick," I said to him, "I don't want to be bossy or anything, but maybe you should go take a look in the trunk. It just might be there."
  • He looked at me and said, "You know what? It's crazy, but it just might be true. Thanks sis. I'm glad there's someone smart in our family." He paused, and had a look like he was thinking. "Wait a second. I just dissed myself, didn't I?"
  • "That you did Nick." He looked at the floor and shook his head.
  • "What was that for?"
  • "I don't know, " he said still looking at the floor. He shouted to Mandy to help him look. They headed over to his car and popped open the trunk and started looking. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Brian.
  • "Man Brian. Don't scare me like that."
  • "Oops. Sorry."
  • "It's alright. What's up?"
  • "Can I talk to you privately about a couple of things?"
  • "Yeah, sure soon-to-be-cuz-in-law." We walked over to the rock where me and AJ talked earlier. "Um..listen. I have to ask you two things, okay?"
  • "Yeah, sure, shoot."
  • "Well, number 1, do you think I should pop the question to Kim?" I thought for a minute.
  • "Well, Brian, I can't answer that for you. It's not my decision. If you really want to, go ahead. I think that would be great. But, if you aren't ready for a commitment, don't. It all depends on how you want to deal with it. Next question."
  • "Ooo. Nicely answered."
  • "Thank you. Next question."
  • "Okay, how did it go between you and AJ? Do you think you got through to him?"
  • "I don't know. Well, actually, if you want my opinion, I'll tell you. I think that he only paid attention to the stuff he wanted to hear, and let everything else I said go through one ear and out the other. But, that's AJ for ya."
  • "Yeah, I know. Like, one time when I was talking to him, I don't quite remember what it was about, but it was something important, and he only let the stuff that was good for him stick in his mind, and let everything else slip by. I knew that he did, cuz he told someone about our conversation, and only told the stuff that benefited him. Oh well."
  • "I know. You know what B-Rok?"
  • "What Cordy?"
  • "Your buddy Kaos, has major brain damage, or as Georgeanna likes to say, Drain Bramage. It's kind of sad when you see your brother know so little." I pretended to cry. He laughed.
  • "I know, but that's definitely Nick. Did he find his fishing rod yet?"
  • "I don't know." Nick came back, and he did have his fishing rod.
  • "I found it, I found it!" he kept cheering. "And I'd just like to thank my sister, who I could not have found it with out. Thank you." He said pretending to tear.
  • "Oh shut up!" I said. I threw the stuffed bear that Kev had given to me earlier. He threw it back. When I threw it, it hit him right in the head. But when he threw it, it hit Howie instead. Howie let it pass and gave the bear back to me. "Thanks D."
  • "No problemo." I walked over to Brian.
  • "You know what Bri?"
  • "What?"
  • "I think I know why Nick has so much Brain Damage."
  • "Why?"
  • "Well, besides the fact that he was born with it, but-uh, I think it's from one too many blows to the head. What do you think?"
  • "You're talking about too many blows to the head from you throwing stuffed animals at him, and getting the target perfectly, and hitting him in the head, right?"
  • "Right." We laughed.
  • "Well, yeah, I think it could be caused by that," Brian said.
  • "Good. We agree on that." I patted his head and headed over towards Kev.
  • "So, are we going to go to the football game tomorrow?"
  • "Huh? Oh yeah, I think we are. We should be. Maybe."
  • "Alright, what's on your mind that you're not telling me about?"
  • "What do you mean?"
  • "I know from how you talk and act when you're not telling me about something."
  • "I was thinking." "About what? Something good? Or something bad?"
  • "Something bad."
  • "Oh no. My baby's thinking of something bad. Tell me all about it." We sat down on the dock that surrounded the edge of the beach. Our feet were hanging off and we were moving them back and forth. "Well, ever since you told me that AJ's been trying to get revenge on me, and that he really didn't listen to what you were saying and everything, I've been thinking about how I can try to protect myself, and stay out of harms way. That's all. I don't know if you'd call that thinking of something bad, but it's not very good, or very bad. Never mind." I smiled, trying to hide the concern I had for him.
  • "I know exactly what you're saying. I'm glad you were thinking of ways to stay out of harms path. What did you think of?"
  • "Nothing, really," Kev replied sadly.
  • "Why are you sad? Aren't you happy to be here at the beach surrounded by people who love you, especially me?"
  • "Of course I am! I'm just worried, that's all."
  • "Aw, don't be worried. I'm sure everything will be okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, as long as I can. Do you trust me?"
  • "That sounds like a line from Aladdin. Yes, I trust you. I trust you with all my heart and soul."
  • "Good. Do you believe everything I'm saying? That I'll protect you by doing everything humanly possible, and try my best?"
  • "Of course I do," he said looking at me with these eyes that you could get lost in. "That's all I can ask. That you love me, trust me, and care about me."
  • "I do all three."
  • "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you while I'm around. I know that AJ will never hurt you if I'm with you. He knows I'll kill him if he does. Don't worry," I said with my hand on his cheek.
  • "Okay? Promise me that you'll have a good time, and that you'll forget about what AJ said, and have the time of your life?" He smiled.
  • "I promise."
  • "I put my arm around him and hugged him. "Now, let's fish!!" I said.
  • "Nickky?"
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Can you get my fishing rod?"
  • "Yeah, sure!" He came over with my fishing rod. Kev had his next to him.
  • "Where's the bait Nick?"
  • "In the box on the rock," he said.
  • "Thanks." I got up and got the bait. We were using live worms. I had used frozen fish before, and frozen squid, but never something that was alive. "Eww. Why do we have to use something that's still moving, and living, and breathing. If worms can breathe," I asked Kev.
  • "Well, I think we use live bait because when you hook 'em, and put them in the water, they move around, and the fish will go for moving food, rather than food that just sits there."
  • "That's true. Thank you Dr. Kevin." He grinned.
  • "I'll be right back." I got up and went to Brian's jeep. The door was locked. "Brian!!"
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Throw me the keys!" "Alright! Heads up!" He threw them and I caught them.
  • "Nice catch!"
  • "Thanks!" I un-locked the door, and got my sunscreen, towel, tackle box, and my wallet.
  • "Wait…..I'm forgetting something." I felt around in my pockets, and felt the top of my head. "Duh. My sunglasses." I got them off the seat. "Okay, towel-check. Sunscreen-check. Tackle box-check. Wallet-check. Sunglasses-check. Alright. Looks like I got everything. Before I close the door and lock it, do you need anything? No? You're more prepared than I am! Alright, let's go!" I locked the door and shut it. We headed over.
  • "Hey AJ?"
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Can I talk to you?"
  • Chapter 4
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