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  • Chapter 4 "The Secret Revenge"
  • By: BSBCHIC692
  • …This Way To The Study Room…
    "Yeah sure. What about?"
  • "Well, we didn't get to finish our conversation before. You were in the middle of a sentence, and we got interrupted. I'd like to finish our talk, if that's okay with you. I understand if you're busy or something."
  • "No, I'm not busy. I'm never too busy to talk with a girl like you." I smiled, with a little bit of nervousness.
  • "Okay, let's head over to that rock again," I told him.
  • "Alright." We headed over to the rock that we had been sitting on before, and tried to start the conversation that had been interrupted the last time.
  • "Now, AJ, what were you going to say?"
  • "Ummmm… let me think. I don't quite remember what I was saying. Do you?"
  • "Let me think. You were saying something that your heart was telling you that I was your soul mate, and you were about to say something else, but that's where we got cut-off."
  • "Oh yeah, that's right. Um.. let me think of what I was about to say." He paused for a minute.
  • "Okay, I think I remember. My heart is telling me this, and I'm just trying to follow my heart. People say that when you follow your heart, you can never do wrong. And that's why I'm trying to follow my heart."
  • "I know that you think it's your heart telling you that I'm your match, but, if it was true, I'd be feeling the same way. A person can't be your love match if they don't feel the same thing. Right?"
  • "Right," he mumbled.
  • "Trust me, when you find the right girl, you and her, at the exact same moment, you'll know that you're meant for each other. And you know how you said it's your heart telling you that I'm your soul mate, it's not. Trust me when I say it's not your heart. It's just your mind saying that your heart is telling you this. I know that Georgeanna loves you, and cares about you more than anyone I know. She really wants to be married to you. If only you felt the same thing that she did."
  • "But wouldn't that mean that we're not soul mates if she's the only one feeling this?"
  • "No, I'm sure you feel the same thing, but you're just not listening to your heart. I bet your heart is telling you that Georgeanna is the right one for you, but you don't listen to that. You only listen to what comes in stronger, which is your mind. But don't worry, soon enough, you'll see that Georgeanna really is the one you love, not me. You and her have so much more in common with each other than we do. You know that."
  • "Yeah, like what?" "Like, you both get totally nuts at the same time, if she makes a joke that not many people will get, you always know what she's talking about, you like the same food, the same soda, the same basic style. We had a couple of those things in common."
  • "Yeah, you're right, but what do you and Kev have in common that makes it seem that you're perfect with each other?"
  • "Well, we both are very serious, we are both perfectionists, we both are very late sleepers, we are always late, no matter what, we both know what time is for horseplay, and what time is for work, we both want to get things done correctly and perfectly, we both love the piano and keyboard, we both love to draw, we love to watch the planes come in and take off at airports, and both of us really concentrate on the harmonizing of voices, more than the solo if we are asked to sing solo."
  • "Huh?"
  • "I mean that if we are asked to sing solo, we'll gladly do it, but we like to concentrate more on making a harmony sound, than being in the spotlight. Get it?"
  • "Yeah. I guess you really don't love me, do you?"
  • "What?! I never said that! I'm just saying, I don't love you like I love Kev. I love you like a friend, and someone I really care about. You're one of my closest friends, and you know some stuff about me that no one else knows, not even Nick or Kev, right?"
  • "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for being such a pain in the butt lately, it's just that, I really care about you and everything, and that's all I was concentrating on. But, now since we've had this talk, I've realized that I have to move on. I'll always be hurt, but I'm going to try to go on with my life. Life is too short to mope around thinking about someone or something that isn't with you anymore. Like my mom always use to say, 'Life's a picnic, and it's too short to just try out one piece of the pie. Try out everything and enjoy all of it's up and downs.' That's what she always use to say to me."
  • "You know what?"
  • "What?"
  • "What your mom said is probably the most sensible thing I've heard today. It's true. Don't waste your life worrying about one thing, cuz when you go to try something else, it's too late. You know what BJ said to me?"
  • "What?"
  • "She was talking about some cute guys she had seen on the street one day, and I said, 'BJ! You already have a boyfriend!' and she said, 'Yeah, I know. I can look at the menu, but not order anything, that's all.' Then we both laughed about that. I thought that was funny."
  • "Yeah, that was cute. Speaking of BJ, where's the rest of the family?"
  • "They went out to a museum today. Or Disney World or something."
  • "Didn't you want to go to Disney World?"
  • "Oh, I've been there already. I went twice. Once with my family before, and once with Kev. He introduced me to his old friends from way back when, when he was Aladdin and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Man, that's a mouth full."
  • "What time is it? I don't have my watch on."
  • "Uh….it's 6. Man! We've been talking for a long time! Let's start fishing!"
  • "Yeah! Let's go. Listen, you helped me clear up a lot of things that were going on in my mind. Thanks."
  • "Oh, no problem AJ! You're like my best friend! Come here and give me a hug!" We hugged and I kissed him on the cheek.
  • "Let's head back. We have to beat Nick and get a bigger fish than him if he catches anything!" He laughed.
  • "Yeah, let's go."
  • "I'll race ya AJ."
  • "You're on."
  • "One, two, three, GO!" We ran. We arrived at the same time, and just stopped at the edge of the dock.
  • "Whew! Good thing we didn't go any further. We would have been swimming with the fish!" I said to AJ.
  • "Yeah, then maybe they could try and catch us. We'd be the catch of the day." We laughed. We fished for a long time. When we were done, it was getting really dark. I looked at my watch. 9:00. Whew! We were fishing for a long time!
  • "Well, time to cash in your catches," Nick said. Brian and Kim had caught a 15-inch bass. They had to throw it back, because the limit on a bass is 18 inches. "Oh well, better luck next time," Brian said giving a high-five to Kim. AJ and Georgeanna had caught a big 18 and a half-inch bass. That was a keeper. Nick and Mandy caught nothing. Me and Kev caught an 18-inch bass. That was a keeper too. "Looks like we have dinner for a week paw paw," I said to Kev in a heavy country accent.
  • "Yup. Looks like we can feed our 8 kids some food. Last time I saw them they were running around naked in the front yard of our nice little shack. Looks like we got dinner for three weeks maw maw because we still got some left over flattened possum that we found on the road the other day, and some fried squirrel," he replied with a really heavy accent. Everyone heard us, and we all started to laugh.
  • "Looks like we can call it a night, what do you say?" Kev said to Nick with his arm around his shoulder.
  • "Well big brother, I think you're right. I hope you enjoy your fried squirrel and flattened possum tonight for your dinner," Nick said trying to hold in laughter.
  • "You bet!" Kev replied with a country accent. "Let's go home!"
  • We all got into the right car, and drove home. We were all meeting at Kev's house.
  • "Time to go home. Right Maw Maw?"
  • "Right Paw Paw!" We all laughed.
  • We arrived at Kev's house in a matter of minutes. He sighed. "What's wrong?"
  • "Oh nothing. I'm just kind tired, that's all."
  • "Oh. Are you going to join in the conversation that I'm sure everyone will be having?"
  • "Yeah, maybe for a little while. But, then after a bit, I'm going to hit the hay."
  • "Why are you going to hit the hay? What did the hay ever do to you?" He smiled. We all arrived at almost the same time. He unlocked the door, and we all plopped down on the big couch that was in the living room.
  • "Jody, let me show you around. Are you going to stay the night? Good. I better show what place is what, so you don't get lost in here. It's pretty easy the first time you stay in here. It's a pretty big house. It has three stories, and a basement. If you walk in the living room, you're automatically lost. I'll show you around, and don't worry, where you're staying, is right next to my room. Me and Kev are next to each other. We aren't going to sleep in the same bed 'till we're married," I said with a laugh.
  • "Kev, I'm going to show Jody around so she doesn't get lost, okay?"
  • "Yeah, sure. Good thing you know you're way around here, other wise, I'd spend all night looking for you!" I laughed.
  • "Well, I'm going to have to know where everything is if I'm going to live here, right?"
  • "Right."
  • "Okay Jody, follow me," I said walking in the doorway that lead to the kitchen.
  • "This is the kitchen, and if you need a bowl or anything, just ask me or Kev. Even if we're sleeping. We are always here to help. Okay, there's a door that leads out to a porch that people can sit on if they're eating breakfast, or dinner or whatever. It has some chairs and a table. I show you that on our way back. Okay, next is the dining room. We eat in here if major company is here. Oh yeah, you don't have to cook dinner or anything. We have a chef to do that. Um……next is the computer room. We have 4 computers in here, which are all hooked up with AOL, just incase you need to check e-mail or anything. They all have some games on them, and over there on that desk there are some more games that you can play whenever you have free time. Over in that door, is the closet. We have numerous closets in this house. Anyway, this way is the study room. It's the perfect place to go if you need some peace and quiet, if Nick's not around, cuz he'll spoil the quietness. No, just kidding, but we have a couple of long tables here, kind of like a library, and some dictionaries on the table also. This way is the library. In there are books that can keep you occupied for days. Kev's collecting the books he's read in the past. And, he has the complete collection of Dr. Seuss. His favorite author. Cat in the Hat, Hop on Pop, everything. He has Stephen King, Norman Mailer, so many! If you follow me in here, this is the art room. It's where we can get messy and creative. We've created some pretty neat stuff in here. It's fun. We have to try that while you're here. You see those splatters on the ceiling and that one wall? Well, me Nick, and Brian got into a paint fight, and we all got each other, I got the wall, and B-Rok got the ceiling. It was so fun. Took us a long time to clean everything, but we decided to leave those splatters. A memento! Okay, that's it for the first floor. Now, we go up the stairs," I said pointing to the big spiral staircase. Hanging from the ceiling above the staircase, was a big chandelier. On the side of the staircase, here was a huge window with a laced, white curtain keeping some light from coming in.
  • "It's pretty isn't it?"
  • We walked up the stairs up to where most of the bedrooms were. "This floor is for mainly guests, but this time we're going to make an exception and let you stay on our floor. Up on the third floor, you have a beautiful view. We walked through some of the bedrooms, and all of them had different scenes.
  • "This one is my favorite. It's the beach." I opened the door, and the carpet was a sand color and all around the bottom of the wall was a water color, in a water flowing pattern.
  • "Down there surrounding the bottom of the wall is supposed to be the water. Look over by the bed." In back of the bed, where the wall was at the head of it, there was a painted umbrella. The walls were a sky blue, and there were painted seagulls flying around in the air. There was even a painted garbage can that some seagulls were crowding around.
  • "It's one of my favorite rooms. You see that stereo player that's on the dresser? In the tape player, there's a tape of beach sounds. If you play it while you're in here, you almost feel like you're at the beach. It's really relaxing." Okay, let's go upstairs."
  • We walked out of the room, and there was another spiral staircase. It went along the wall. All the way up from the bottom of the staircase to the top where you get to the third floor, it was a dark, deep blue, and painted over that were gold stars and some planets. You could clearly see what planet was what.
  • "I love that. It gives me the feeling that I'm walking in the sky. We even painted Orion over there near the top." We walked up the stairs.
  • "This is our floor!" I started walking, but then stopped.
  • "What's your favorite setting out of a jungle, another beach, the sky, a meadow, or a Indian village?" I asked.
  • "Hard choice, huh?" We waited a couple of minutes.
  • "How about I show you what each room looks like, and whichever one you like the most, you can sleep in. First is the jungle. Let's go!"
  • We walked down the hallway a couple of feet and I said, "This is the jungle room. I like this one a lot." I opened the door and you feel like you're in the Amazon, living in the rainforest. All around the walls were leaves all different shades of green and all different sizes and shapes. On one wall you can see a tiger looking right at you. There are some birds sitting in the trees. When you look up at the ceiling you see treetops, and a little bit of sky. There are toucans sitting in trees, parrots, there's a jaguar on one wall, and all different animals.
  • "This is one room. We can skip the beach because it's identical to the other beach room you saw. Let's go straight to the sky."
  • We walked out of the room and I closed the door. You noticed that each room had an object that had to do with the scene inside. The jungle had some leaves, the beach had a beach ball, so did the other beach room. The sky was painted dark blue with some stars on it. I opened the door and the whole room was a midnight blue with gold stars all around. Even the bedspread was a dark blue with gold stars on it. "We put some constellations on the walls and ceiling too. If you look over on that wall, you can see the big dipper and the little dipper. On that wall are Gemini, Libra, and Pisces. On that wall, are Leo, Orion, Virgo, and Aquarius. On that wall are Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aries, and Scorpio. On the ceiling are the seven sisters, which are a cluster of seven stars that are in the sky, Taurus, and just some stars. It took a long time to get the constellations just right on how they are in the sky. It was well worth the frustration, wasn't it. Next room is the meadow." We walked out of the room and walked into the room next to it. You noticed that going farther down the hallway, it started to form a U shape. We were right next to the last door, which was the last of the rooms on the third floor. On the door of the meadow scene, there was a flower. I opened the door, and the carpet was green, and all around you, going up to a halfway point on the walls, were green, all different shades, in the pattern of grass. Above the halfway point was a sky blue. There were white fluffy clouds on the ceiling, and flowers all around in the grass. The bedspread was green with little daisies on it. It had a night table, just as the others rooms did with the color that was the main color in that room. It was a light green with a little flower on the top. It had mirrors, like the other rooms, along with a dresser.
  • "Ok, one more room to go." We walked out of the meadow and went to the last door that completed the U shape. On the Indian village's door, there was a painting of a dream catcher. I opened the door and on the walls were some teepees and Indian children, men, and woman painted on the walls, either talking to each other, looking at you, working, or playing. It was amazing.
  • "This is another one of my favorites. Have you decided on which room you want to stay in? The sky? Great choice! What does my room, and what does Kev's room look like? Well, we can't waste another second, so I'll tell you when we're heading down to the first floor."
  • We walked back to the staircase, and I said, "Well, my room is another beach. It's slightly different from the one you saw, it has a little bit more seagulls, and there are some people sitting on the sand on one of the walls. Kev's room is all dark colors. Deep blues, deep greens, deep reds, you get the point. It's not really a scene, just kind of, abstract. Like, one wall is a dark blue, another a dark green, another a dark red, and another a dark fuchsia. The carpet is a dark blue, and the bedspread is a dark green. It's nice. You'll see it later. I sure hope everyone else is still talking. I'd like to get into a conversation," I said as we reached the library.
  • We walked through the computer room, dining room, and kitchen. Then we reached the living room. Everyone was still there talking.
  • "Whew, I'm sure glad no one's left yet," I whispered to you.
  • "Hey everyone! I think she's still a little bit dazed by the size of it, but she's right next to my room, so if she needs anything, she can go into my room, or yours, right Kev?"
  • "Yeah, that'll be fine."
  • We sat down on the couch. I sat next to Kev, who was sitting next to Brian, who was sitting next to Kim, who was sitting next to Nick who was sitting next to Mandy, who was sitting next to Georgeanna, who was sitting next AJ. You sat down near AJ. The couch was a circular form, but with an opening to get out. It was black. Me and you were sitting at the ends of the couch.
  • "So Kev, are you going to sleep?"
  • "No, not yet."
  • "What have you been talking about while I was showing Jody around?"
  • "Oh nothing important," Brian said.
  • "Alright, listen, I'm really tired, and I got to get up early tomorrow to go to the dress shop, wedding dress that is, and you do too Kim and Georgeanna. So, let's go to bed, okay?"
  • "Yeah sure," Kim and Georgeanna said.
  • "Goodnight Kev," I said and gave him a hug and a kiss goodnight.
  • "I'll be up to say goodnight before I go to bed, which won't be very long, so wait up for me," he said.
  • "Yup." I kissed everyone goodnight, all on the cheek of course, (except for Kev) and said goodnight.
  • "Jody, do you want to come, or do you want to stay down here and talk? You wanna come with us? Okay," I said.
  • We all headed up the stairs, both flights, and headed to our rooms. All the rooms were connected through doors. The bathroom was in-between Kim and Georgeanna's room, and you can walk in without going through their rooms.
  • "Goodnight everyone!" I shouted from my room.
  • "Goodnight!" everyone shouted back. Kev came up and said goodnight to everyone and gave me a really big hug and kiss goodnight. I fell asleep right after he went out of my room and into his.
  • Chapter 5
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