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  • Chapter 5 "The Secret Revenge"
  • By: BSBCHIC692
  • The Wake Up Call
  • "BUZZ!!! BUZZ!!!"
  • It was my alarm clock. I looked at the clock. 7:00.
  • "Man! It's way to early to be up, but I have to today. Oh well." I looked around in a daze, because I was so tired. Yawn!
  • "WAKE UP EVERYONE!!! Except you Kev." Everyone got up except Kim. I got up, rustled my hair a round a bit, stretched, and stomped into Kim's room. I went right next to her ear and yelled, "WAKE UP!!!" She immediately shot up, and jumped out of bed. All of us laughed, except Kim.
  • "What did you do that for?!"
  • "It's seven, and we need to get an early start on going into town! I know we're going just to get my wedding dress, but trust me, we're girls, well women actually, but anyway, we are going to get so much more than a wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses. Right?"
  • "Right," everyone mumbled.
  • "Oh come on! It'll be fun."
  • "You're always so perky. How do you do it?" Kim asked. "Trust me when I say, I'm not always perky. Right Georgeanna?"
  • "Yeah. I was with her when she was in a really, really bad mood. It wasn't good."
  • "To say it in 4 words, I hated the world. I'm not always perky, but today I am because I'm shopping for me WEDDING dress!!! That's what making me excited. Let's go see who's up!" I said, "Kim and Georgeanna, go on ahead without me and Jodi. I have to tell her something."
  • "Alright Mon Capitan!" they said marching out of the room.
  • "Everyone stayed over last night. Sometimes all the guys will sleep over, and you know. Tomorrow, the guys have to go perform at a benefit. I think it's a Cancer foundation kind of thing. All right, let's go downstairs and rustle up some breakfast. Maybe, if you're nice, I'll let you have some of the flattened possum and squirrel for breakfast. Only if you're really nice!" I said in a country accent. We walked out of the room, and headed down the long flights of stairs. When we reached the kitchen, we found Kim, Georgeanna, AJ, Nick, and Brian sitting at the kitchen table.
  • "Hey ya'll wasup?"
  • "Nothing much," they all said.
  • "Hey Frick and Frack!"
  • "Hey," they responded.
  • "You all sound really tired. Why did you get up?"
  • "I don't know," Nick said. I just did."
  • "I'll be right back. I have to talk to Kev." I ran up the first flight of stairs, then the second. I knocked on Kev's door, and I got the response, "Come in!" I opened the door.
  • "Hey babe," he said to me. "Hey. What ya doing?"
  • "Oh nothing. I'm still kind of tired, but I can deal with it. When did you get up?"
  • "Oh, about seven. I'm gonna miss you tomorrow."
  • "You know, you can come along, and just stay backstage. I told you that."
  • "I know, but you know what I'm saying."
  • "Yeah, of course I do. I would miss me too if I was away too long." I took his pillow and whacked him with it.
  • "Hey!"
  • "Hey is for horses, remember?"
  • "Yeah, yeah." We laughed.
  • "So, what have you been up to while I was downstairs?"
  • "Nothing. Trying to get up, trying to think what I'm going to wear today, and for the benefit tomorrow."
  • "Oh, I can help you with that!…I don't know, let me see what you got!" I walked over to his dresser. I opened the first drawer. Shirts.
  • "Hmm. Tommy Hilfiger, Phat Farm, Another Phat Farm, Fubu, Nike, Reebok, Royales, CK, and a blouse kinda shirt. Okay, that's a lot to choose from. Um…how about….. Phat Farm."
  • "Which color?"
  • "Um… Grey or Blue. How about blue?"
  • "That sounds good. What about pants, or shorts?"
  • "Um… how about those Khaki cargo pants that you have? You do have those right?"
  • "Yeah, I think so. Unless they're in the wash. I don't know. You were the last one to do the laundry, were they in there?"
  • "No, I don't think they were. Let me look in the drawer. Maybe that'll work!"
  • "Yeah, I think it might." I opened the second drawer.
  • "Yup. They're in here. I think that'll look good with the shirt. Alright, your wardrobe dresser has spoken. Blue Phat Farm shirt, with the khaki cargo pants. Is that alright?"
  • "Yup. Sure."
  • "That's for today, what to wear tomorrow? Hm…how about the pants, those dressy kind that you have? And, the blouse shirt? But, maybe the dresser can tell you what to wear, I'm just giving ideas."
  • "No, those are good ideas. Thank you. Okay, I got to get dressed."
  • "Okay. I'll be downstairs. Call me if you need me. I love you."
  • "I love you too." I gave him a kiss and then left the room. I closed the door behind me, and went downstairs. Yawn!
  • "So, what's Kev wearing today?" Georgeanna asked.
  • "You'll see when he comes down. Be patient young one." I thought for a minute.
  • "Hey Frick and Frack," I said to them.
  • "What?" they said at the same time.
  • "If you want, even though it would be quite boring for you, would you wanna come shopping with me and the girls?"
  • "I guess that would be cool. I need to get a new video game anyway," Nick said.
  • "Yeah, that would be cool. I need to get some shirts and stuff. Where are you going shopping?" Brian asked.
  • "I think we were going to go shopping in that secluded shopping area for the people who get mobbed a lot, you know what I'm talking about?"
  • "Yeah, that's right. I always go shopping there. I need it. There's a bridal shop there?" Nick asked.
  • "Yeah, I think it's in the mall thing, and it's near Sears."
  • "Hey Nick, maybe we can enter to meet ourselves in that contest!"
  • "No, we can't even if we wanted to. They stopped the entering. They'll be picking soon. No one else can enter. Oh well. Well, at least we know ourselves already."
  • "What? You didn't make any sense there Nickky. Well, you really never make sense anyway. Hehe, just kidding!"
  • "Hey, that wasn't nice," Nick said with a sad face.
  • "Sorry Nick, the puppy face don't work on me cuz I'm your sister. Sister's don't fall for their brother's puppy face, and the same thing the other way around. Right?"
  • "Yeah, that's right." We talked for a while, just about stuff, the benefit, and everything that was on our mind's. A little while after we stopped talking, Kev came down in the Phat Farm shirt, and the Khaki cargo pants.
  • "Oo. Looking good Kev. Sleek, and ready to go." He smiled.
  • "Thanks Georgeanna."
  • "So, your going shopping for the big dress today huh," Kevin said to me.
  • "It's going to be for the BIG day. With the BIG reception, with the BIG cake, and never mind." Everyone was looking at me. I looked over at Kev. He understood me. I smiled at him to give him the clue that I knew he got what I was saying. He winked.
  • "Is anyone else up?" Kev asked me.
  • "I don't know. I came down with the girls, and only B and Nickky were here, so I'm guessing that AJ and D are still sleeping. Unless they're planning some evil, tricky little scheme to take over the government and rule the earth!" And once again, everyone was looking at me like I was nuts. I looked over at Kev. He got it that I was fooling around, cuz I was in my sarcastic mood. Only he understands my moods.
  • "Oh forget it people. Kev, you know what I'm talking about. Right?"
  • "Right. Of course I do. That's why I'm getting married to you. I love you."
  • "I love you too." Then we kissed each other. We totally forgot that everyone else was there.
  • "AAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!" They all shouted. We bowed our heads, and shook them. I read his mind; I knew that he was thinking what I was thinking. 'Oh no. Here it comes…..they're gonna remark on something. Man, I wish I didn't do that in front of them, especially.' I knew it. I looked at him, and we smirked.
  • "And before you say anything else, SHUT UP." Kev said. He must have read my mind too cuz I was about to say the same thing.
  • "Alright, let's head up to our rooms, and get dressed, alright??"
  • "Yeah," everyone replied. So we all headed to our rooms, and got dressed.
  • Chapter 6
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