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  • Chapter 6 "The Secret Revenge"
  • By: BSBCHIC692
  • Something More Than Friendship?
  • Everyone was wearing Khaki. All the girls were wearing short shorts, and all the guys were wearing the long, type of shorts.
  • "So, who's tagging along with us?" B-Rok asked.
  • "Um…Me, Kev, you, Nick, Kim, and Georgeanna."
  • "Why isn't AJ or Howie coming?"
  • "Well, AJ doesn't want to be there when I buy my wedding dress. And I have no clue about D."
  • "Oh, I can understand AJ's point of view. I kinda feel bad for him. Don't you? In a way?"
  • "Yeah, in a way. I do feel bad, but I've moved on. I don't love him like I used to."
  • "What day's today?" Nick asked.
  • "September 5, why?"
  • "Nothing, just wondering." I looked around.
  • "I think I'll go talk to AJ, I feel bad. Talk to ya in a few." I ran upstairs to AJ's room. I knocked.
  • "Come in." I opened the door and AJ was sitting his bed, reading a book in his PJ's.
  • "Oh, hi. What are you doing up?" I was about to answer, but before I could say anything, he said, "Oh yeah, never mind," and went back to reading. I put my head down. I felt horrible.
  • "Listen, AJ, I'm sorry but-" he cut me off by saying,
  • "I know. I'm sorry I'm not coming, but, it would be…." His voice trailed off. I saw him put the book down beside him, and put his hands over his face. He was slightly trembling. I knew what was happening. He was crying.
  • "Oh, AJ…….please don't do this to me," I said as I pushed the book over and sat beside him. I put my arm around him.
  • "Please, talk to me. Tell me why you're crying; when you talk about it, it helps you. Please talk to me." He looked up. He was crying. There were pink circles around his eyes, and his nose was getting pink too. His eyes were slightly bloodshot, and they were filled with tears.
  • "Oh my God, AJ, please don't….." I hugged him. I don't know how long we stayed like that, just holding each other, but it seemed like forever. Finally, he put his head up and looked at me straight in the eye. He didn't have to say anything. I knew what he was trying to tell me. 'Why. Why are you making me cry like this? Don't you love me anymore?' That's exactly what he was saying in his eyes. Just one look, and I fell apart. I crumbled like an ancient castle. I wanted to make his tears go away, like I used to do to my younger siblings, by kissing them away. I wanted to so badly, but I knew that it wouldn't be right because I was getting married soon, and kissing someone on the cheek is just as bad as kissing someone on the lips. We were still staring into each other's eyes, and I had to do something. I wiped his tears away, not knowing what else to do. With my hand on his face, he put his hand over mine, and held it tight. I was so heart-broken, and stricken with his tears, I began to cry, too.
  • "Oh AJ. See what you've done to me?" I told him as I went back to hold him. He just stayed silent, and we sat there for a while longer. After holding him for a while, we heard a knock on the door. We looked at each other. What was the person at the door to think if the person saw him crying? AJ took a deep breath, still recovering from all the crying we both shared, and said with his voice trembling a bit, "Who is it?"
  • "It's me, Georgeanna." We looked at each other again. We both knew what the other was thinking. 'Uh-oh.' "What do ya want?" AJ asked.
  • "I just wanted to know what Cordy was doing, cuz she was taking so long, and I wanted to know how you were."
  • "What'll we do?" I whispered to AJ.
  • "Tell her……umm……that…um…..I don't know!" he whispered back. "Do we tell her that you're crying? How about we just let her come in. She loves you."
  • "Okay, Come in." Georgeanna opened the door and in a split second, when she saw AJ crying, she ran over to him, and pushed me out of the way, and took my place where I was sitting. I decided I'd better leave. I was about to walk out the door when Georgeanna asked, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" I turned around, and she was staring at me with eyes that glow.
  • "I-I-I-I-I-I…" I didn't know what to say. "Georgeanna?" AJ asked her.
  • "What is it love?"
  • "She didn't do anything. She just came up and wanted to see how I was. I was fine, but when I thought of what she was shopping for today, a wedding dress, and it broke my heart. I thought of when we were together, and how we laughed, and talked, and hugged, and kissed. It brought back so much. I couldn't handle it, and instead of it coming out by talking, it came out in tears. Don't get angry with her. If anyone's to get angry at, it's me." She just stared at him. She put her head down.
  • Then, she turned to me and said, "I'm sorry. I know."
  • "Of course. If I came in, and you were sitting with Kevin, and he was crying, I'd have the same reaction." I turned back around, and started heading through the door.
  • "Cordy, wait," AJ said. He got up from the bed, and stood in front of me. "Can I…um…you know."
  • "AJ, you don't have to ask." I gave him a big hug. I realized something while I was hugging him. When you break-up with someone, you think they have no more personal meaning to you, but you are totally wrong. I thought I had no more feelings for AJ, but I found myself to be wrong. My feelings were still there, they were just hidden. And when I was in the room with him, holding him, and trying to help him, I dug deep enough, and found those feelings. I didn't love him like I used to, and I knew I never would. But he would always be that special friend that everyone longs to have. I didn't have to. He was it.
  • Chapter 7
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