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  • "The Secret Revenge" By:BSBCHIC692
  • Let's go!
  • I let go of him, and he sat back down next to Georgeanna. I turned around, and went back down to the kitchen. Everyone had left the room but Kevin.
  • "Hi! Nice of you to join me. What took you so long?" I wasn't sure of what to say. Should I tell him that AJ was crying, or do I make up something? I decided to tell him the truth.
  • "Well, I went up to see him, and he was reading. He said, 'What are you doing up? Oh yeah, never mind.' And then he started to cry. I went over to him, and held him. I didn't know what else to do. Then, he made me cry a little bit. I basically spent my time up there holding him, and trying to make him stop crying." He looked at me with eyes that looked a little uneasy.
  • "Really?"
  • "Yes. Positive."
  • "I'm sorry to hear the he was crying. But, I can understand why. If you broke up with me, and I loved you, and you were getting married to someone else, I'd be just as upset." I was relieved he understood. I sat down in the chair beside him.
  • "Where did everyone else go?"
  • "Oh, every which way. Nick and B-Rok went to go play some playstation, Kim and Jodi went with them, and Georgeanna went to find you and AJ. We're all alone." I smiled and giggled.
  • "Do you want some cocoa?"
  • "Um..yeah, sure." He got a cup from the cabinet, and poured it. It was creamy, and all the heat was rising out of the cup like a witches caldron. He handed it to me, and I sipped. Boy, he can sure make the best hot chocolate.
  • "Is this the special recipe that you won't share with me?"
  • "Yep. Don't worry, after we're married, I'll tell you. It's really quite simple."
  • "Okay." We just sipped and sat there. We didn't know what else to say.
  • "We better get ready. We should be leaving soon." I nodded my head and went back up the stairs to get my shoes.
  • "Want me to get your sneakers Kev?"
  • "Yeah, okay." I went up to my room and reached for my sneakers, except, they weren't there.
  • "Oh shoot." I remembered where they were. Under my bed. I stretched under my bed, and sure enough they were there. I slipped them on, and walked over to Kev's room. It was all neat and tidy as usual. That's what I love about his room. It's never dirty. Everyone else's, well almost everyone, their rooms are a pigpen. Especially Nick. Sometimes I wished that he'd learn to clean up after himself, but I guess I had to pick up after him just like our mom does a little while longer. Kev's sneakers were right next to his bed. I grabbed them, and ran down the stairs.
  • "Here ya go." I handed them to him.
  • "Thank you love." He slipped them on.
  • "I'm gonna go tell the others that we're getting ready to leave."
  • "Just to warn you, it'll be very hard trying to get Nick off that machine of his and you'll have to turn everything off, no matter what he says. You're older and stronger, so you can take care of him." He smiled and walked out of the kitchen up to Nick's room. After 20 minutes, he and the rest of the crew finally came down, including Howie.
  • "Hey D! You coming with us to shop 'till you drop?"
  • "Yep! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Are you gonna do a little runway work for us?"
  • "Hmm..maybe. I could probably get Kev to teach me some pointers. Why?"
  • "Just wondering." I even saw AJ, and I guessed that he was coming. He looked like he had stopped crying, but his face was still a little pinkish. I was glad that everyone was coming.
  • "Is everyone taking their own car?" I asked.
  • "Yeah, I guess so," everyone said at different times.
  • "Great!" I said. We all headed out to our cars, and made sure we had everything. I reached into my pocketbook and checked if everything was in there. Everything. We all started up our cars and headed for the mall.
  • Chapter 8
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