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  • Chapter 8 "The Secret Revenge"
  • By: BSBCHIC692
  • The Forbidden Kiss
  • In only around 10-15 minutes, we reached the mall. It was HUGE! Of course, everyone knew their way around, but you were totally lost the minute you laid eyes on it.
  • "Alright, who's goin' where? I wanna get the dress last, so everyone can go wherever they want for about and hour to an hour and a half. I know I'm gonna go to Fashion Bug, Macy's, Sears JCpenny's, Claire's, the food court, the candy store, the game room, and at least 1 hundred other stores. What about all of you?" Everyone answered at the same time.
  • "Well, Nick, you're gonna go to the food court and game room most definitely, right?" I asked.
  • "Yeah, and I also wanna go to the video game store, need to go and pick up the new Mortal Combat game."
  • "Okay, well, we can meet different people at different stores, at different times. You know what I mean?" Everyone stared at me blankly, except Kev. He always knew what I meant.
  • "Kev, you explain it what I'm trying to say."
  • "Alright, here's the deal. What Cordy's trying to say is that like say we meet Nick at the video game store at 9:00. And then at 9:30 all of us head over to wherever else we want to go, and meet other people there. Then everyone keeps joining us, and we go and search for everyone until we have everyone. Get it?"
  • "Yeah," everyone replied.
  • "Okay, so Nick, we'll meet you at, oh say around..9:00 about at the game room, okay?"
  • "Yeah, sure."
  • "I'm gonna be with him?" Mandy said.
  • "Yeah, sure. We're just gonna go to all the stores, or as many as possible, and try to find everyone. If we haven't found everyone by 12:00, whoever we haven't found, meet us at the Bridal shop on the 2nd floor, okay?"
  • "Yeah, sure."
  • "Alright, so we got that understood?"
  • "Yeah."
  • "Alright, We'll see ya later!" Everyone split up. Of course, everyone went out in pairs, me and Kev, AJ and Georgeanna, Kim and Brian, Nick and Mandy, Howie and his girl, who's named by the way Donna. But me, Kev, Georgeanna, and AJ all paired up.
  • "So, where do ya wanna go first?" Kev and AJ asked us. Me and Georgeanna looked at each other. We immediately knew.
  • "Claire's," we both said at the same time. The guys sighed and agreed, as long as they got to pick the next stop. We agreed, and headed over to Claire's. There was merchandise everywhere. Along the walls, on the CEILING, in the middle of the aisles, everywhere. "Wow….look at all the stuff," I said.
  • "Yeah, I know. Where do ya think they get everything?" Georgeanna asked me.
  • "I haven't the faintest clue! What's wrong?" I asked Georgeanna when she looked like she was about to cry.
  • "Well.. AJ told me he's thinking of leaving me. He doesn't think that I'm his match, and that he doesn't think we belong together. I don't know, I'm just, well, worried. I don't want to lose him, and I really love him, and care about him. What do I do?" I felt so hurt inside. I knew why he was really trying to break up with her. To get me back. He had told me a while back right after me and Kev started dating, and Georgeanna and him started dating that someday he was going to break up with her and get me back. He told me to be expecting it anytime soon. Of course, "anytime soon" was 2 years. But, I knew that's why he was leaving her. Not because he thinks they don't belong together. He knows they do, he just doesn't want to admit that he found his soul mate.
  • "Listen, I'll talk to him. But if you walk in and he might be tearing a bit, don't start screaming at me, okay?"
  • She smiled, "Okay." Of course the guys didn't hear any of our conversation. I walked over to AJ.
  • "AJ, can I talk to you for a minute or two?"
  • "Yeah, sure." We walked over to the entrance of the store.
  • "AJ, Georgeanna told me that you're thinking of leaving her. She says that you don't think you belong together. I know that's not the reason. You know that you two are the perfect match, you just don't want to admit it. You just want to keep that promise you made me when Kev and I started dating. That's all. AJ, listen, Kev and I are getting married. I love him, and he loves me. Trying to get me back isn't going to work. I love him. And no matter what you do, you will NOT break us apart."
  • "Well, what are you trying to s-"
  • I cut him off by saying, "I don't love you anymore. Why don't you understand that? I love Kev, and NOTHING will EVER change that. So just please stop with the game, cause it's getting tiring. You trying to get me back, when you know you won't, me trying to tell you to stop, even though I know you won't. Just stop. It's getting irritating." He just stood there. I didn't even realize what I was saying. I felt deep inside of me that his heart, then and there, shattered, into a million pieces. I didn't mean to make it sound so un-loving, and hateful. It just came out that way. As he was just looking at me like, 'How could you do this to me?' I started by saying,
  • "AJ, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound so un-loving, I-"
  • He cut me off, "No, you're right. I've been a total jerk. I don't know why I ever loved you in the first place. If you didn't love me, and you hated me so, why didn't you just tell me instead of leading me on, and acting like you really did love me, when you really didn't? Huh? Tell me that!" I looked down. I didn't know what to say. All I did was look him straight in the eye, and gave him a big hug. He just stood there, with his arms open, like he was amazed.
  • "AJ, I have something to tell you when we get home. I have a major headache, I think maybe I'll go shopping another day. Is that okay with you?"
  • "Uh, yeah, okay." I let go and walked back over to Kev. Georgeanna gave me that look like, 'Well? What happened?'
  • "Kev, listen, I don't feel very good. I have a really bad headache, and I think I'm just gonna go home and rest."
  • AJ walked over. "Kev," he said, "Why don't you go look for everyone else with Georgeanna. I'll drive Cordy home." I just looked at him, I was kinda surprised, but I was mostly happy that he said that.
  • "What about her car? Did you drive it here?"
  • "No, I drove with Nick and Mandy. I didn't bring my car. Okay? AJ can drive me home, take care of me a little bit, and be the doctor. I'll be okay, I just have a headache, that's all. I think all the loud music they're playing is giving me the pain. I'll see you guys at home. I love you Kev" I said as I gave him a hug and a kiss. "I'll see ya in a few Georgeanna," I said. I whispered into her ear when I gave her a hug: "Don't worry, I'll tell you everything that happened." She nodded, and we said good-bye and AJ and I left. In his car, we put on some soft ballads from Boyz II Men and people like that. It helped my head a lot. When we finally reached home, I was half asleep in the car.
  • "Cordy, we're at your house. C'mon, wake up. Get inside so you can get some real relaxation." I woke up, got out of the car, got out my keys, and opened the door. I plopped down on the couch. I was practically asleep when I hit the couch. I managed to wake up a bit, and AJ was in the kitchen, trying to make me some soup.
  • "AJ, can ya come here a minute?" I yelled into the kitchen.
  • "Yeah, sure" he said as he walked into the living room. He shut the front door.
  • "What is it?" I sat up on the couch and patted the seat next to me, motioning him to sit. He sat.
  • "Well, AJ, I just want to apologize for how I treated you in the mall. I'm really, really sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. It sounded so uncaring and unloving. After I was done saying I was like, 'Where did that attitude come from?'" He smiled and gave a little laugh. >li> "What, so now ya laughing at me? Huh AJ? Huh? Now ya laughing, huh?" I said as I started tickling him and making him laugh even harder.
  • "NO! I'M NOT LAUGHING AT YOU! STOP TICKLING ME!" he said while he was trying to stop laughing. I stopped. His face was reddish, and he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.
  • "Oh AJ. You're still the weirdest person I know." He got up and looked me straight in the eye. He asked me to close my eyes, because he wanted to give me something. I did as I was told, and the gift was a kiss. He kissed me right on the lips. When he finished, I said,
  • "AJ, where did that come from? Why did you all of a sudden kiss me?"
  • "Well, when you were tickling me, it felt like old times again. I thought I was still in that time period when we were together. And at that time, it was okay if we kissed. I'm sorry, I forgot I wasn't in that time period anymore." I blushed a bit.
  • "It's okay AJ, it was just strange. I haven't been kissed by you in about 2 years and oh…7 months." He blushed. I smiled.
  • "We better not say anything though. I mean, it wasn't like a BIG kiss. Just a peck, right?" He nodded. I chuckled.
  • "I guess my headaches cured. Thanks AJ. You know exactly what I need to get rid of stuff. AJ, you know something?"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Being with you know, acting like we were back together, really makes me miss being with you. I still love Kev and everything, it just…..brings back a lot of memories. Ya know?" He smiled.
  • "Yeah, of course I do. That's why I kissed you." We didn't hear the door open right before he said 'That's why I kissed you.' It was Kevin. He stood there with his mouth open.
  • "He what?" Me and AJ looked at each other.
  • "AJ," I whispered, "I better explain it to him, okay?"
  • "Okay," he whispered back. Kev and Georgeanna were standing in the door, and they both heard it.
  • He whispered to me, "I better explain it to Georgeanna."
  • "Okay." I got up, and walked over in front of Kev.
  • "Kev, come upstairs, and let me explain." I took his hands, grabbed some of the stuff he was carrying, and led him upstairs. We got to his door, and I opened. I put down the bags I was carrying and sat on his bed. He walked in and did the same. Before he sat, he put on his night table light.
  • "Okay, Kev, you're probably wondering what the heck AJ was talking about right?"
  • "Yeah, it's kind of surprising to come home and hear your fiancé was kissing another guy."
  • "Okay, let me explain. On our way home, he put on some nice music, and my headache started getting better. We got inside, and we were just talking. I was fooling around, and I started to tickle him, cuz I know he's extremely ticklish. So, he said for me to close my eyes, because he wanted to give me a gift. It wasn't the exact gift I had in mind. The gift was the kiss. It wasn't a big kiss, just a peck on the lips. I asked him why he kissed me, and he said because when we were horsing around, he felt like we were still together, and thinking that, he thought it would be okay to kiss me. Do you understand?"
  • "Yeah, but, it still wasn't right. I forgive you and everything, and we're still gonna get married, but ya know. I'm just kinda of shocked."
  • "I know that, and you have a right to be. It really wasn't my fault. Actually, it wasn't anyone's fault. I'm sorry."
  • "It's okay. I love you anyway." We both smiled and kissed each other.
  • "I can't believe we're going to get married. It seems like just yesterday was our first date. But I wouldn't want to get married to anyone else but you. Nobody but you babe, I love you," Kev said.
  • "I love you too! I wouldn't want to get married to anyone but you either. I'm so happy I'm going to be Mrs. Kevin Scott Richardson," I said with a sigh. There was a knock at the door.
  • "Who is it?" Kev asked.
  • "It's AJ"
  • "Come in." AJ opened the door.
  • "Hey, guys, I just want to let each of you know something. Kev, I want to say that I'm very sorry for what I did, and I know that it was wrong. Do you forgive me?"
  • "Of course buddy." He smiled.
  • "And Cordy, I want to tell you two things. One, I'm sorry for that kiss. I just, well, you know. And, two, Georgeanna forgives me too. I'll see you guys later." I smiled. He walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.
  • "I love you Kev."
  • "I love you too Cordy."