"Wait. Isn't that him?" I asked. "Who are you talking about?" Kim replied. "Over there in the field. See him?" "Who are you talking about, AJ?" Kim asked. "Yeah, and he has an angry look on his face, like he could kill somebody. Do you think it's still because of the break up?" I asked Kim nervously. "Yeah, maybe. Why do you think he isn't over that yet? It happened a long time ago." Kim said. "I dunno. I guess it hit him pretty hard when I left him for Kevin." I answered. "What's that he got in his hand?" Kim asked me with her voice shaking. "I don't know, looks like a weapon of some sort. Oh God Kim, what if he's gonna use that on Kevin? I have to go home now and tell him and make him come with me here. He'll be safe." I ran to my car and jumped in. I saw AJ was also racing to my house. But I was in front of him for a little while. Then he pulled onto a detour, and disappeared. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed home. "Hello?" Kevin answered. "Oh thank God you answered. Kev, lock the doors, and hide somewhere where AJ won't find you. Please listen to me, and do what I say. I love you, and I don't want you to get killed. And this could be the last time I talk to you." I told him. "Please don't talk like that. We'll be together for the rest of our lives. I'll be okay." I smiled a bit. I was thinking about the day we got married and how happy we were. But now, that perfect dream could be shattered. "I love you. Please lock the doors." "Okay. I love you too." A few minutes later, I reached home. So did AJ. He got to the door B4 me. He shot open the door, and ran inside. I jumped out of the car, and just as I reached the doorway, I heard a gunshot. I knew someone had been hit. But who? I had to find out. Kim wasn't far behind me. She arrived a couple of seconds after the gunshot. "Someone got hit," I told her. "Who?" "I don't know." As we were about to walk in the doorway, we heard another gunshot. Someone or something was getting hit. We ran inside.
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