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Shocking News Chapter 3 "The Bus"

On their way to the bus stop. 20 minutes, 5 miles, and 5 hundred cars later...
  • Renay was looking for her cell phone in her purse to call Kyle's house and tell him that they'll be taking the bus home.
  • "God damnit! I broke a nail!" Renay complained while they were walking along the road.
  • "Shut up and stop being such a bitch! You've been complaining ever since we passed the crosswalk a mile back. It was your idea to walk to the nearest bus stop anyways! We could've just waited for Kyle, but NOOOO you had to start walking. You're just lucky I'm here to make sure some pshycopath rapist doesn't try to give you a lift."
  • "Shut up." Renay snapped. "You're being a bitch too, so you shouldn't be talking. And I thought you didn't want Kyle to pick us up anyway." Renay was frustrated at Jessica for being right, like she always is.
  • "I don't. But it's better than walking 20 miles in high heels!"
  • "You're so stupid!" Jessicca gave her a dirty look and was just about to walk away when she spotted a tour bus that was parked at the McDonalds up ahead. She tried to read the words on the bus. She read Backstreet Boys.
  • "Renay, look at the bus parked over there." Renay looked and screamed.
  • "Let's go then!"
  • Chapter 4
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