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Shocking News Chapter 4

At the McDonald's parking lot at 12:30 am. Jessica and Renay are hiding behind some bushes.
  • "Omigod! We're standing right across from the Backstreet Boys tour bus! OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD! Just imagine, the boys were acually here, on the bus, and are coming back to the bus to go somewhere in Europe or Asia!! EEEEKKKKK!!!!!" shrieked Renay.
  • "It's too bad we can't stay here." Jessica replied sadly.
  • "Why not? It's not like there's anybody stopping us."
  • "What about that guard over there?"
  • "We'll find a way to get past..."
  • "Haha guys. Real funny."
  • "C'mon Nick, have a little fun!" said AJ patting Nick's back.
  • "Shut up."
  • "Oh my god! They are right over there!!!! And we're right over here!!! EEEEEKKKKKK!!!!" whispered Renay.
  • "Get over it girl. We're never gonna get over there, so let's just continue walking to the bus stop..."
  • "Did you guys hear something?" asked Kevin.
  • "Yeah I did," replied Brian. "I think it came from those bushes over there. Guard, will you check it out?"
  • "Yes Mr. Littrell."
  • "OH shit Jessie, RUN!!!" they ran away from there as fast as they could, in high heels, all the way to the bus stop, which way ten miles away.