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Stuff about me

Well, since you seem interested in knowing about me... here goes: I'm an older BSB fan, (not that old actually, I'm 22, but older than most BSB fans), who actually discovered their music before knowing anything else about them. But, as I'm sure you know, once I saw them, I was hooked...They're all VERY good looking men, (not boys:), who deserve respect for what they have contributed to the music scene.

one of the main reasons I put this site up is because I've been home from University for the summer, and have collected all these wonderful pictures from the net... but now that I'm going back to school, my old, OLD computer, won't let me view them. So, I came up with the marvelous idea of putting up a webpage, so I can use my internet access at the University to view my lovely collection. :)

I do enjoy the BSB's music, because unlike the most of the bands around now, they have beautiful voices and actually have talen. :)

If you have any questions or suggestions for my site, feel free to email me. I'll try to mail you back, but I can't make any promises. Thanks Heather :)