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What I Updated

Hey Everyone! Like this new page? Well now I am going to start
to tell you everythign I have updated on this page. Starting with today.

December 8, 1999:
I added 98 Degrees to the pics page because that was very demanding.
I also added somemore TSF stuff for all you fighters. and last but not
least I fixed my grammar and spelling(i stink at grammar and typing).
Well I think I fixed most of it :)

December 10, 1999:
I added a Lance Bass and Drew Lachey page. Everything is up and
running for these two pages. Go ahead and check them out!

December 11, 1999:
I added an Erik Von Detten, a Joey Fatone, Jr., a Britney Spears,
a Jonathon Taylor Thomas, a Prince William, and a Howie
Dorough page. Please go check them out. Not a lot of pics tho.
