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Eric Pedretti


1999-2000 Grade: 10th

Weight Class: 145#

Wrestling Accomplishments: 2 time AAU state qualifier3rd at Districts

General Information/Other Accomplishments: 10 years wrestling

Coaches Comments:Extreme hard worker, and also very coachable and confident.

College Choices :well, when University of Iowa gives me a scolarship to wrestle for them, probably UI

Academic Status: G.P.A.: 3.25

 SEASON GR  LEVEL         WGHT  RECORD        PINS  TD  NF2  NF3  REV  ESC  NF 2/ Team   Tech    TP

 2000    9  Varsity       135   19-15-0         6    40   6   13   13   33   17    86      1     87
Email: Eric Pedretti