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My Roleplay Character

Cub wears a low-cut, silky emerald green dress that clings to her sides. As she walks it seems to shift to a shade of blue. Her shimmering red hair floats loosely around her face as she enters. As she takes her hand, brushing her hair out of her eyes you can unmistakably notice that her eyes are a shade lighter than the dress.

Her hand moves the hair from her face, then comes to rest lightly on a small sapphire which is delicately cut into the shape of a fully open rose, that hangs from her luminous neck on a silver chain.

She then moves her hand to the Toreador Clan Rose Broach that is just above her left breast. As you look at her face you see a subtle softness and when you look to her mouth you see a smile as it passes across her lips. As she takes another step, a faint silhouette can be seen on her thigh, in the shape of what appears to be a dagger.

Cub does not know when she was born. She came to the Inn on a whim, a feeling. Untill that time she had been living in a City. If you ask her what City the only response you shall get is a soft frown and "I don't know." When asked anything of her past you will always get that answer for she does not truly know.

With her arival at the Inn she was adopted by the owner, Esher. He took her in and taught her the things she had not picked up on her own. But still the past has bothered her, the not knowing. It drove her at one point search the surrounding area of the Inn. But always she would return to the Inn. No matter where she was, she would always return the Inn and under Esher's guidence.

Only recently has she finally learned who her true Sire has been. But only after she gave a portion of her Blood to Mary 'Contrary (a sabit). In doing this she got on the bad side of Esher for awhile. But finally after she got the results from Mary, they stated that she was offspring of the Clan Ravnos. And it was her will alone that drove her to bite the one who made her.

As she brought this news to Esher, all he did was laugh softly at her and tell her it was mostly false information that he had pain stakingly had planted. That is also when he decided to tell her the truth. As it turns out he has been her True Sire all along. That yes, she had been killed in a frenzy. Some how Esher had gotten some of his blood in her system. He and his brother DarkStarr had brought her supposedly lifeless form to the Inn. But Cub wandered off when she awoke in a state of panic.

Some time later Esher happened upon her in the City, this is when he tried to wipe away her memories. Esher, being young and inexperienced, did not do such a good job at it. Not only did he erase the memories of her Embrace, but he also wiped clean the memories of who she was. Leaving gaps and holes in the process. Those snips that she remembered are what caused her to go in search of the one she calls David, (she believed that he must be the one who Sired her). But now she is trying to figure out why the name David is embeded in her mind. For a time, she was content to stay close to her Sire, for she still believed she had a lot to learn from him.

Unfortunately for Cub, the one she believed to be her Sire has abandoned her. Once more she was left to fend for herself and make her own way in a world that she cannot remember. In her wanderings she came across Syren, a caitiff who helped Cub regain a great deal of her memories, but due to Esher's clumsiness, there are still fragments of her past that remain unknown.