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The History Of Face Shift

Face Shift Main Page

In this web page you will find all the info you need to know about FACE SHIFT concerning any event's and also our favorite web sites!!!! so just kick back and enjoy this ride in to the unknown! regard's alex v 
Face Shift was born on September 98 in San Diego Ca. after Gerry Alabado was doing time in power pop bands,the cables and drop.Gerry finally decided he wanted to put together a band. first to enter the fold was Alex Valdivia. on vocals,whom he found through an ad in San Diegos local music mag SLAMM. immediately, the two click and began laying the foundation for the band by writing and demoing.soon after, Alex found original bassist Marco Siccardi,a native Italian whose ideas helped shape their music,drummer Mark Miller was incorporated in to the band the line up was complete. After creating a 3-song demo on a 4-track. The band known as "weak" played gigs at the most popular venues like. "BRICK BY BRICK", THE CASBAH, THE BLVD, and DREAM STREET. building up a steady fanbase and receiving accolades from the audience. unfortunately,the band had a falling out with Marco,due to music differences. after running low for a while.the band got EX-RED JUNE bassist Sam Lopez to the line out. writing and rehearsing new material, we change our music and transform our band , resurfacing as FACE SHIFT. Gerry Alabado has the heavy power-chording that makes you think about today's rock . also Sam lopez brings his thick, rumbling bass work and Mark Miller his heavy soul beats. We form the structure and the inspiration of this modern heavy rock band. "We come from different music backgrounds" Alex's background is in a range of emotions from the classics of rock like Janis Joplin, led zepellin, black Sabbath and today's heavy rock arena like STP, and sound garden, deftones, tool and many more. but that's basic influences that she admires from other artist's but her concept is not to be "A Generic copy" as some San Diegan's bands are . "Our band is pure and honest" . we are visionary, heavy dark melodic with a twist of emotions. Concerning lyrics they are dark pieces of poetry they all speak from the emotional range of everything that a human can experience. from drug addiction to homophobia, tolerance, love, death, and hate. Gerry adds a inspiration to his guitar chords and the heaviness that makes you think twice about ROCK "N" ROLL. "FACE SHIFT IS MORE THAN A BAND IS A VISION". " WE ARE A BAND READY TO HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF HEAVY MUSIC FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM AND BEYOND".Look for us soon!! and experience our sound. will be recording our CD some time next year.