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25 Facts

1. Despite popular belief, I am 22.
2. I dig guys with tattoos and piercings.
3. I drive a Cavalier.
4. I like to listen to Linkin Park
5. I love to lay outside and stare up at the stars at night.
6. I have a tattoo of a winged unicorn on my ankle, one of a flower with ribbons extending about 3 inches out on either side, and 10 piercings.
7. I've finished 4 years of college
8. I have a 2 year old baby girl.
9. I love Autumn.
10. And I like going to the pumpkin patch to swing in the rope barn.
11. I'm immature for my age.
12. But I like to have fun.
13. I dig younger guys.
14. I think overall they're more fun to be with.
15. But I plan on staying single for quite some time.
16. I've been to ONE "real" party.
17. I don't have any friends anymore.
18. I love to play hockey.
19. I play goalie and I think it is the best position in the game.
20. I wanted to be in the NHL
21. But I don't think that'll happen.
22. I like to take pictures of sunsets
23. I am extremely short (I'm 5'2)
24. What I lack in height though, I make up in volume.
25. Incase you were wondering, that means I'm little, but I'm loud.
