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Oh Baby

Hi! I'm Tara. I'm 22 and I have a 2 year old beautiful baby girl named Alanna. I'm not with the father and if I'm smart I never will be again. But I do have a wonderful man in my life whom I care about very much. I have some sort of fascination with Winnie the Pooh, hence the background and all the pictures you're going to see. :-) I just wanted a place where I could tell everyone about my baby. Enjoy!

Alanna was born January 10, 2003. She's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my entire life. She's absolutely amazing. She's running around everywhere and getting in to everything. She loves to go outside and swing or play around in the yard. She loves going for walks and jumping up and down on the old mattress we've got down on the floor for her. She talks up a storm and is just the sweetest thing.

I finally got a digital camera that works, so if you'd like to see pics, just ask. LoL, and here's a belly pic of me long long ago at 34 weeks click here. Don't laugh at me though.
