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OK, everything I hate:

peter. josh rawe. liars. phony people. getting blood drawn. being sick. being sad. waiting (i'm very impatient). when people make fun of my brother. people who make fun of my brother to my face (that's just downright dangerous. I highly advise against it). people who put something down before they give it a chance. rap. going to bed at night. getting up in the morning. being alone. older guys (Cept for robert). boring teachers. college. work. being hot. being cold. being tired and not being able to sleep. being forced to do something i USED to like to do. when I work hard on something that I DIDN'T have to do (I volunteered) and someone tells me to change it. when someone tries to decide my future for me. cocky people. people who think they're cool when they're just.... not. nasty bowie hoes with greasy hair extensions. guys who would rather play with their squirt guns than raise the child they helped to create.
