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My Friends
Crystal: You are one of the best friends I could have ever hoped for. I'm only sorry that we live so far away from each other. Looking at the way you live your life makes me want to be a better person and strive for the things I know I deserve. You have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter with a bouncing baby boy on the way. :-) You're awesome.

Ell: Hey buddy! I miss you. I can't believe you're a big bad college boi now. :-) I don't ever see you online. :-( Hope you're having a GREAT time

Brenna : You're pretty far away but you know I'm always here if you need me.

Tash: :-) thanks for listenin to me belly ache. You know you can always talk to me about anything!

Jr: You made the BIGGEST mistake of your entire life marrying that fat cow. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. You're gonna get what you deserve being with her

Dave: You rock! I love going to the mall and being able to say hi to you whenever I see you at work (which doesn't seem to happen a whole lot anymore). YaY. We're going to the same school AGAIN. Not that it's a very GOOD school... but oh well.
