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Hey, i got some pics of my friends. Thanks Carolyn for sending them to me. =) Click on the thumbnail images for the full size picture. Hold your mouse over the image for a description. More coming soon. I'm taking another roll right now so there will be new pics up when I can get them to Carolyn to scan them.
Maureen, my brother's friend. She's the one with the red gloves. Me, GT, and his friend Sean before the Valentine's Dance My senior picture Hunter is the man. He's my friend who went off to college. Isn't he cute? He rocks. Mike being goofy after homecoming Mike having a conversation my my pool table. Mike and Carolyn, my best friends

Carolyn and Mike before Mike's homecoming Me and my friend Matt before Mike's homecoming. I look thrown together cuz they came and got me as a last minute deal. Mike Mike, Shannon, and Anthony at dinner before homecoming Me, Shannon, and Carolyn. I'm the icky looking one.

Eric at the Best Western in Florida Eric again before a tourney game All of us at chilis. My face isn't usually that red though. My brothers table. He's the one with the green shirt. My mom is the one with the black shirt and her hair up. My dad has got the plaid shirt. He's in the back. The gator behind the crab trap that everyone feeds when they eat there. My rotty Chris and my maltese Chun Chris again. Chewin on his doggy bone. Christian again Eric getting an award at his end of the year travel banquet My birthday...guess which one i am (duh) bro is holding stick, mike is wearing white hat, eric's got black hat. My bro, Mike, and me again. My little cousin Race. He's so adorable. The STRETCH LIMO we took to the NSYNC concert in July of 2000 Front to back: Tim, Sean, Eric, Mike, and Travis Chillin, drinkin sprite. Eric, Tim, and Sean at the concert Mike at the concert Yeah I'm biting my finger.... so what? Me, Tim, and Eric on the first night we went to the crab trap

The Famous Justin Friedman. He's my buddy. Brenna... another shorty like me with a big mouth... like me. =) She rocks. Chip... what can I say. He thinks highly of himself. Justin... the one I help pass government. ;-) Part of my brother's hockey team right after they won Regionals. My bro is the one with the C on his jersey. He was captain. Cuz he rocks. My varsity softball team in 10th grade at the awards ceremony. Ya know which one I am? Here we are again right after we won the game that secured us 3rd place in the division. I'm the 2nd person in a uniform up top. Heeeeere's Tara! At the spring awards ceremony in 10th grade. Me and Brenna Me and Chip Heeeeere's Tommy!