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And here's everything i LOVE:

alanna. robert. unicorns. stars. guys that smell good. hanging out with my friends. talking to Bryan. writing poetry. reading. good movies. LOTR. Orlando Bloom. the few friends that i still have. singing (even though I'm terrible at it). terminator 2. tattoos (I have one of a winged unicorn on my ankle and a flower with ribbons all over on my back). piercings (I have 10). younger guys. guys with piercings (Chester Bennington is HOT!!!). younger guys with piercings. hockey. guys who play hockey. younger guys with piercings who play hockey (:-P see a pattern?). steak cooked medium from outback. cheesecake. ham and cheddar hotpockets. squeezy cheese. goofing around. Kenny G. reading. writing funny 4 page essays on how to blow your nose. making fun of ugly girls with greasy hair extentions with Kelly. Chick Fil A. walkin around my neighborhood with Tigger when it's nice out. music. dreaming. staring up at the sky at night when there are no clouds and just looking at the stars. hanging out with my friends from FCS. seeing my hot red jeep guy.
