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May I Present...Myself

Name: Tara...
Nicknames: Apples(Humayun), Shorty(Ric, and just about everyone else), Pele(Jason), Terror(Combat Boots), Short Shit (Dube), Pooh Bear (Bryan), T'Ra (C'Lleen)
Age: 21
D.O.B: April 1 (yes that's april fool's day)
Stats: I think therefore I'm single.

Best Friends: Don't think I have one of those anymore.
Scariest thing: not being able to breathe. It's not fun, lemme tell ya. AND feeling like I'm gonna pass out. I hate that.
Makes me laugh: Dane Cook
Sports I Like: Roller/Ice Hockey, Softball, Baseball
Sports I Play: Roller/Ice Hockey, Softball
Hobbies: Hockey, Music, writing poetry, makin webpages online look purdy. I do scrapbooking now too. And I bake from time to time. Sometimes I cook. And I'm somewhat decent at painting. I am also currently in the process of trying to write a book.


people: Don't think I have one of those anymre either.
movies: Phantom of the Opera. And I dig fantasy stuff. Lord of the Rings is my absolute favorite!!! Neverending Story and Princess Bride come after. Then all the Harry Potter movies. And then the infamous... TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY. Pitch Black was pretty tight too. And Pirates of the Caribbean. Day After Tomorrow kicked butt.
color: baby blue, and the combo of red and black, and I LOVE silver
clothes: I hate all clothes. Now I wear what I can fit in to.
food: cheesecake *so i'm weird* and STEAK (medium of course)
music: anything that i think sounds good really. Linkin Park fricking ROCKS. And I love love LOVE 80's music. And I'm gonna say this cuz... well, I feel like it. I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC. So there.
sport to watch: HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY
sport to play: hockey *Roller & Ice*, and softball
word(s): go figure, oy, much love, tiger, rock on
quote: Body piercing saved my life.
perfume/cologne: nautica and ck1 *polo smells good too*
school subject: anything to do with stars, and english sometimes. Although right now I'm taking computer graphics and it's pretty cool.
flower: rose
song: "I'll Be" Edwin McCain.
love song: I hate love songs
country song:
rap song: I Hate Rap
actor: VAL KILMER. Vin Diesel!!! What a fricking HOTTIE. Elijah Wood. Orlando Bloom.:-) Joe Pesci definitely. he's awesome. The guy who played Bill (Alex Winter) in "bill and ted's excellent adventure/bogus journey" what a hottie! ooh, can't forget Josh Harnett. He's a cutie. And Johnny Depp. Talk about FINE. Then ther's Brad Pitt. Oh he's hot.
actress: Drew Barrymore
tv show: Who's Line Is It Anyway, Law and Order: SVU.
cartoon character: Tigger, PoohBear, and Aladdin, and the genie
book: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, All the Harry Potter books, Luthiel's Song, Eragon, The Amulet of Samarkand... I'm a fantasy nut.

Colleen (C'Lleen), Tim (Timmah), Eric (Pimp Daddy Grand Master Flash), Brenna, Tasha, Jeremy (RIP), Tiffany, and Bolt. If I forgot you, my most humblest apologies. Let me know and I will add you in here. If I forgot you on purpose... deal with it. :-)

stuff i do:
play hockey, listen to music, write poetry, paint, bake, cook, talk *ALOT* and in different accents too, play my keyboard, talk online, watch movies, read magazines books and catalogues, play spades and Literati, read, and I collect unicorns. I LOVE them. they're so pretty. Best of all I am a full time mama.

things i love:
Miss Alanna!! My angel baby. I love playing hockey. It's my all time favorite sport. And the guys that I played with are the most awesome bunch of guys I've ever met in my entire life. I like to hang with my friends, but that doesn't happen a whole lot. I love piercings too. I've got 8 right now. I love tattoos too. I got 2. A winged unicorn and a flower with ribbons. I love having REAL conversations with people. I love to read. And I love any kind of fantasy stuff. :-) I love unicorns. I collect them. I've got paintings, posters, necklaces, used to have earrings, a clock, little glass figurines, a little box type thing, stuffed animals, and some egg shaped thing with unicorns painted on it. And I LOVE stars. They're purdy. If I could I'd lay outside all night and just stare up at them. I guess it's good that I got them all over my ceiling. I fully dig the beach. I'm so in love with the ocean.

!!!!!!!WUFFY ROX!!!!!!!