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SAY CHEEEEEESE! Driver's ed This is us during out make up days. It's Chris, Sammy, Rob, Me, then Carole.
Inside Group Liz, Jay, Me, David, and Rob laying on top of us.
Jay Here's Jay drinking his milkshake.
Justin & Chris That's Justin with the blonde hair and beautiful eyes. And his friend Chris.
Me & Rob Well, it would have been a great picture. But the bottom half got cut off. But yeah, that's me and my baby Rob.
Rob posing like I don't know what. =P
Me & Jay Well, this is me and Jay. I look absolutely mammoth. But I'm not. My body is twisted making me look extremely large. He was tickling me. And I was doing the same to him. Which is why he's making a face. =) enjoy.


Here's Alex he's such a sweetheart.
My baby Jay. This is the best picture I've ever seen of him. He's absolutely gorgeous in every way imaginable.
Ben and my nephew Eric at the Sabres awards picnic.
Eric, Sean, & Me at the hotel during the Ice Hockey tourney last weekend.
Carolyn, Mike, Joey, and Me before the homecoming dance in 2000. Yeah, that was my old boyfriend.
Me and Justin after graduation. He's got such beautiful eyes.
Mike and Carolyn in the hall in my house.
Sean, Eric, and Tim showin off their muscles.
Sean, Cass, and Ben at the award picnic.
Sean, Eric, and Tim being goofy again. =P
Me & Carolyn before homecoming.
Me My senior pic. Nuff said.
Ben, Me, & Cass at the Sabres picnic. In Cass's basement.
All of Us at the Tourney Yellow - Tim, Orange - Eric, Red - Jeremy, Black - Sean, Grey - ME!!!
Robert - He's such a cutie!!!
Here he is again. :-)
And HERE is a picture of my tiger Jayson. FINALLY. :-) He's so cute.
Jayson again. He's adorable no?
Matt over at his buddy Bruce's house.
